Chapter 12: Take me Out.

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Before Sei Shi could walk in, he's stunned at Tetsuya figure standing in front of the doorway with crossed arms, beautiful blue eyes staring hard than normal and the one of a kind fierce expression on usual blank face.

The silverhead would guess his one and only beloved are beyond angry— he is seriously mad, to something he don't have any idea with and possibly he's connected to it.

"Why are you here?" He finally managed to voiced out after an incredulous moment of staring contest with awkward silence.

"We need to talk. " Tetsuya replied. "But, first did you already have dinner?"


"Good. I cooked boiled eggs and rice. Let's eat together. " Sei Shi read the situation, his beloved want to talk, who cooked eggs and rice, and still awake which is a good thing.

Though, what's the matter or reason for all of this is the question he have in his mind. "They look delicious, Tetsuya."

"Of course, I made them." The bluenette bluntly said.

"Please, have a seat. "

"Thank you. " No matter what the reason behind this, he must get ready himself and try to fix it as soon as possible.

Tetsuya caught his conscious glance and sighed softly, and then putting down his chopsticks.

"Look. Shi, are you playing basketball in your former school?"

Okay. Is this thing ah. " Yes."

Sei Shi waited for more, he also let go of his pair chopsticks and stared at those blue eyes. " Did Kei told you about it?"

"He did."

"I see. What do you want to know."

"Everything." Quickly as he can, Tetsuya wanted to know every small or big details of Sei Shi basketball years.

He cannot help it, he must have the information or else he will feel being left in darkness,again.

"I started when I'm in middle school there in China until my second year, the Wang Rong Academy are only have one purpose and motto, its Victory are more important than anything. In one of the game, I made a mistake overworking myself which that ended bad, an opponent change his course  and we fell hard on the floor, mine was a drastic part when my ankle twisted hard and my knee tragically face a wrong way. It's hurt like hell. . . but everyone move too fast and they easily brought me to the nearest hospital. Unfortunately, a result of this fall quite not good. Nevertheless, I'm fine now, please do not worry Tetsuya." It's feel like Tetsuya wanted to believe that his silverhead is complete fine.

But, no, when he heard those words from Kei, where his heart almost stopped beating, feeling the worry and fear. His thoughts gone messed up for a whole day, questions that keep torturing him for answers he needed.

' The doctor said, Sei Shi have a high chance to be crippled permanently. '

"I almost got my other leg to be crippled. It is a miracle that I still able to stand up and walk." Sei Shi added as he drank up water from his glass.

"Are you really fine now, we must go and see a doctor to check it up." Tetsuya must make sure about it.

"Don't worry. " A smile spread across Sei Shi and said calmly. " Actually, I met my doctor earlier, the therapy are helping me to get back my old strength. He said, I can play basketball only for thirty minutes. "

Although, that's what the silverhead said, Tetsuya are still worried about him. And think it must be the time to used some of his connections and protect Sei Shi. He will not let the other male feel that pain again.
He suffered too much for seven years, and that's enough.

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