Chapter 16: Spindle Curse

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As soon as his sworn brother had gone, Kei heard the dreadful news from his cousin's chatterbox mouth.

"Oh..God! Those bastards are planning to take us again. Such grave present for the Dark Lord  Emperor's in his cold heart. " Neil sarcastically  said, looking at the men's sitting in rectangle table. Alexen eyed his friend's expression near of tearing apart his own cousin.

"I would not be explicit if I were you Neil-san."

"Don't be a killjoy there Ichiwu. I'm just stating the truth here." Kei's eyebrow shot up, his eyes are piercing the blabbermouth relative of him.

" Anyway, all of us already had guts that this day would come. The Apocalypse 13th would have a debut present for each of us anytime in next few days. It's too bad, they targeted the Hong family first this time for a little warning, I will not be surprise if the Kanari Clan taste the sweetness of death once again."

"Niwu Gracefield, how do you like to prepare your own family's funerals tomorrow. It will be better for you to have ideas about it, right my friend." Kei mockingly said, his eyes meeting the pair of menacing grey. To say such a thing like that, this older man always pissing him for unknown reason.

"Calm down my beloved gentlemen, because the Old hag and Prince of Darkness and the Beast Emperor aren't here it doesn't mean we are free to kill each other here. Tonight, we must enjoy our most awaiting reunion and let out the lustful desires in women at this masquerade ball."

" Nonsense. Only your dirty lust reigned over yourself Senior Seuk." Sanwu uttered rolling his eyes for how many times when talking to this lusty man. " Disgusting."

" I think doing you tonight is better than any of woman here." Seuk announced, licking up his lips in seductive manner. Again, Sanwu rolled his eyes for that. Then the two of them goes back annoying one another. Alexen stands up and left the room without uttering a word, as usual of him to every meetings. Watching the other leave, Kei have decided to follow too. It is better choice than picking the unreasonable  fight with someone who had human brain for terrorizing other's peaceful life. And then the cousin of his are on his nerves ever since they meet each other tonight. The guy kept asking about his young lover's whereabouts and well being here or there.

"Wait! Are you meeting Kazu-chan tonight? Do you have him as your date tonight? Perhaps, you're hiding the young master of Hawkcity Group ah." Nei started again smiling under his teasing tone. "Sometimes, share Kazu-chan with me. Just one night is enou—"

" Don't dig your own grave Nei-san." Ichiwu lightly reprimanded, watching everyone's at their own world. Kei nodded at the looking lazy male as well silently thanking him for interrupting or else the loud mouth cousin would come face to face his twitching fist.

"Kanari's second young master, remember not to choke the Hong's Heir too much with your pathetic whining for wanting to hug his thick thigh." Niwu voiced.

Kei hardly gritted his teeth, " Remember to brush your brain before going to sleep with someone tonight."

Who want to hug that Beast Emperor's thigh, Kanari has their own very thick, so thick thigh!

Since the important meeting was done, there is no need for Kei to stay here and deal with many psychotics bastards which what they subordinates nicknamed them. On the quiet hallway, he was greeted by Alexen standing figure's leaning on the wall with closed eyes and crossed arms. It's a new sight to see him not hugging his big loving care bear in today's meeting, because he said his companion was taking care of his future wifey. Kei walked to his sworn brother's side but the other insisted they weren't like that, just normal friends.

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