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I woke up in agony in a dark damp room like place.

I felt around and noticed the floor was cement and the walls were solid brick.

Water was dripping from a pipe in the room, leaving a horrible musty odour.

With shaky legs I managed to stand.

I attempted to walk forward but instantly fell over when I tripped over something.

"What the fuck" I groaned as I felt around.

There was a big wooden table, some tools and a cord hanging from the ceiling

I reluctantly pulled it, only to be greeted by a dim, yet still blinding light.

The wooden table had four metal restraints, two where arms would be and two where feet would be. Chills ran up my spine when I noticed the red blood like discolouration on the table as the floor around it.

"Where the fuck am I" I almost yelled

Hands wrapped around my mouth from behind

My heart was pounding. All I wanted to do was scream

"Hey it's okay. Just shush please" pleaded a small voice

I turned to face the voice.

It was a girl who looked like she was only fifteen. Her clothes were torn and she was covered with a combination of dried blood and dirt.

She slowly moved her hands from my mouth.

"I'm not gonna hurt you" she assured me shakily

"Where are we?" I asked quietly

"I.. I don't know. I've been here for so long. " she began to cry.

Her sobs were interrupted by a clatter on the giant metal door.

"Hide!" She demanded as she pushed me to the floor.

I scrambled under a table that was surrounded by boxes and covered with a sheet.

Loud, heavy foot steps stomped in and the door slammed shut.

"Jessie where are you" a deep voice asked in a menacing tone

"No!!" Screamed the girl, I'll assume her name is Jessie.

There was a loud thud before she screamed

"Leave me alone please!" She begged

"Shut the fuck up! Do you want to end up like Rachel?" Threatened the man

"No please!! AHHHHH" Jessie screamed as a loud thump came

"Where's the other girl" sneered the voice

"I.. I don't know" sobbed Jessie

"That's it you're getting it" he hissed.

I peeked between the boxes to see the door slightly open. Jesse was laying in the corner, bleeding and shaking. The man was wearing thick boots, a rubber apron and gloves. Like a butcher.

Jessie looked at me

I fumbled around for the thick metal pole I'd found and showed her. Jessie held up a rock and motioned throw

I nodded

I knew her plan

My Terror Twin And IWhere stories live. Discover now