Lady of the Manor

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Apparating into her bedroom at the manor, she starts going through the drawers and cabinets of her closet, setting things onto the bed. Folding clothes carefully into her beaded bag, the doors behind her burst open.

Sitting in the library, Lucius and Draco are researching a dark artifact when they feel the wards of the manor shift. Making eye contact, both wizards pull their wands and rush out of the room. Lucius can tell it's not an intruder, the land welcomed them. The wards were vibrating as if the manor was happy that they are here.

As they get closer to the 'guest' the aura of each hallway and portrait, feels almost euphoric. Lucius hasn't felt the manor or the land this happy since he was a small boy. Stopping outside the door to his parents' room, Lucius turns to Draco, "Do you feel it?".

"Yes, Father. But why is it so..." Draco gesture to the air around him, unable to find the right word.

"Let's find out." Lucius says smirking while pushing the door open. There standing at the bed is a woman dress in a black cloak with the hood up, she is stuffing clothes, books, and other trinkets into a small bag. "May we help you, Ma'am."

"My Lucy", she says peeking over her shoulder slightly to look at the wizards standing at the door. "And my little Dragon."

"Mother?" Lucius takes a few steps forward in shock. The witch emits a soft laugh at his reaction to her while placing the last few items into her bag. "We all thought you were dead. How is it you are here?"

"Lucy, how could I ever leave you my sweet boy.", the witch turns keeping her head lowered so that the wizards wouldn't see her face. Lucius doesn't know what his mother looks like, when he thinks of her he only sees a blurry image. There aren't any portraits of her up in the manor or in the family books. She has always been a mystery. The only description he ever got when he asked his father about her, was that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.

"But you did leave. And look where we are now. We have a madman living in our home who tortures us for his pleasure." Lucius sneers at her.

Lifting her head making eye contact with the elder Malfoy man, "YOU ALLOWED THAT MONSTER INTO MY HOME!" she shouts at him stepping closer to her son.

"GRANGER?" Draco yells upon seeing her face.

Lowering her hood, closing her eyes, taking a deep calming breathe. "I was once. Yes Draco. It's an interesting story for another time, love." Turning to Lucius, "Now let Mummy go take care of the scum in the...." Hermione stops talking as she lets her body relax and feel the energy of the manor. "dining room." she finishes eye opening with a look of determination.

Furrowing his brow, Draco asks, "How did you do that?"

"You may or may not believe this, but I put the wards on the manor and these lands." Hermione smirked walking toward the door behind the Malfoy men. Stopping between them, she turns to her son, "You have not been teaching my grandson about our history?" Raising her hand to his cheek, Lucius leans into the touch. "Follow me boys, I'll show you what being a Malfoy really is like?"

Hermione leaves the wizards in her room and slowly walks down the hall giving them a little time to catch up. She hears their footsteps behind as she reaches the stairs. She lifts her hood back over her head. "Stay behind me and do not speak or show any emotions."

"Yes Ma'am." Lucius and Draco say in unison as they follow behind their matriarch.

Hermione stops in front of the dining room doors. Rolling her head from side to side, extracting her wand from her inside pocket, she slides it up her sleeve. "Open the doors on the count of three. Walk close to me almost as if you have brought him a gift. He will ask you why you are there. You will not reply. You will be safe even if he tries to curse you. You are my family and I will not tolerate that man hurting you now that I'm back. One, Two, Three."

Both doors open and the three Malfoys enter the dining room.

Sitting on his throne, Lord Voldemort looks up from petting Nagini to see the Malfoy men enter the room. Walking in front of them is a woman in a black cloak, her face hidden. "Lucius, Draco to what do I owe your presence to?" Both Malfoy men stay quiet as they were instructed. Voldemort rises from his throne, pulls out his wand, pointing it at Lucius.

"Oh Tommy Boy. I thought you understood what would happen to you should you over step your power." The hooded witch said.

Dropping his wand to the floor, Voldemort falls to his knees. "I'm sorry Your Majesty. Please forgive me." Voldemort begs, resting his head on the ground bowing to Hermione.

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