New World

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Tom Riddle spent the rest of his life trotting in a cell in Azkaban until the day he died. His body was burned and threw the ashes through the Veil.

After moving into the Manor, Bellatrix started to realize what a family really was. Her rehabilitation was smooth sailing and she was ready to embark into her new life on her own after only 6 months.

Roldolphus and Bella decided they should get divorced so that they could find someone that they loved.

Hermione was able to remove the dark mark from all of Voldemort's follows. The only thing she required of them was completing rehabilitation and community service.

Hermione even inducted many into The Circle. The Circle changed the way that the wizarding world treated each other. There were equal rights with no prejudice either based on blood status or magical creature.

Abraxas and Hermione continued where they left off all those years ago. Giving birth to two more children, a boy and a girl. Lucius and Narcissa had another child as well. Draco married Astoria Greengrass and had 2 children.

Abraxas left this world at the age of 136. He died peacefully in his bed with his family surrounding him. Hermione died fifty years later, at 143. She was buried next to her husband on the Malfoy land.

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