Her Past

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Bellatrix pulls herself from the floor, "Why should we take orders from you?" She sneers.

"No one said you have to. Nor would I want someone like you in my association. But for those of you who wish to know what it's like to be with me, we can ask my associates." She replies gesturing to the white hooded figures standing behind the death eaters.

"Most all of you have family members in my lovely group of friends." She states scanning the death eaters for a few to select for stories to share. Hermione's eyes land on the man who cursed her many years ago. "Dolohov? Have you ever asked your father what happened to his fingers?"

Dolohov stepped forward, removing his mask, dropping it to the floor. "Yes, High Priestess. However, I never got an answer. He always told me that one should respect woman and their bodies."

"Really? Yet, you rape innocent woman for the traitor's cause. Interesting, I wonder how your father would feel about that?"

"I never participated in the raping, High Priestess. And unfortunately my father passed away almost 42 years ago." Antonin answered while lowering his head.

Hermione let out a small giggle, Antonin's head shot up sneering, as though he was being made fun of for expressing his feelings. "I'm sorry Antonin, I'm not laughing at you. You see, like Tommy Boy here, the wizards in the Circle receive a mark on their left forearm." Hermione says standing from the couch moving toward Antonin. She lifts her sleeve showing her mark for all to see.

As per etiquette, everyone lifted their left sleeve and bared their mark to be seen. All the Death Eaters had a black dark mark on their arm, while all those in the Circle had white snakes. Three of the Circle members had both, with the white and black snake twisting around each other.

Upon seeing the two marks twist, Hermione asked, "My Summoners please come forward." The three men dress in white bearing both Mark's move to stand in front of Hermione. "Will you tell the story or shall I?" Hermione asked to the wizard on the right.

"I can High Priestess." The wizard answers. He turns to face the group and lowers his hood.

"FATHER!" Antonin shouts. He moves forward and embraces his father.

"I'm sorry for my deception." Dolohov Senior whispers to his son. He pulls away and begins his story.

It was Christmas Break our 7th year. The High Priestess had just returned from a study session with some Ravenclaws. The common room was empty, she sat next to me on the couch, her skirt riding up much higher than was appropriate or acceptable for a woman in the 40s. I had an attraction to The High Priestess and wished to press my suit. I placed my finger tips along the inside of her leg and began trailing a path up to her skirt hem. She grabbed my hand and brought it to the coffee table in front of us. Pulling a knife for her robes she sliced the first knuckle off of each finger of my hand. I was informed that a man never touches a woman who is not his intended without her verbal consent before hand. I have yet to ever do so again.

"If she did that to you why would you continue to follow her?" Roldolphus Lestrange asked stepping forward, dropping his mask.

"For the same reason we all did." The wizard in the middle said. "She is family. She has protected us for many years. And she will continued to do it. Being that's just who she is." He lowered his hood and smiled at his two sons. "Roldolphus, Rabastian."

"Now Narcissa dear, are you here?" Hermione asks looking around the room.

"Yes High Priestess. I'm here." Narcissa said with a strong voice stepping through all the hooded and masked wizards.

"Please come here darling." Lucius rises from his seat and escorts his wife to Hermione. "Lucius, ever the gentleman, seems your father managed well on his own. Thank you." Staying by his wife's side, Lucius smiles proudly at Hermione. "Now Narcissa, your Aunt Cassia never hand children did she?"

"No High Priestess, she did not."

"Do you know why?"

"She was barren. She claims an evil witch stole her husband and took her ability to have an heir."

Hermione laughs openly at the outrageousness of her claim. "My apologies dear. But your aunt is a liar." Hermione turned to the third Summoner, "Will you please enlighten us with the tale of your poor sister's woes?"

Orion Black pulled his hood back and began the tale.

Cassia was in love with Abraxas Malfoy. She was determined that he would be her husband. A stranger traveled to us our seventh year and Abraxas fell in love with her. He always called her the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. Over Easter Break, Abraxas proposed to his love. She gladly accepted. When his fiancee was at a study session, Cassia slipped Abraxas a love potion. Cassia believed that if she became pregnant Abraxas would have to marry her. What she didn't count of was his fiancee returning early. She walked in on Abraxas and Cassia in a intimate position. Being the logical witch she is, she knew that her Abraxas hated Cassia and would never be in the situation they were in. Cassia's punishment was the loss of fertility, as she tried to take away the future Lady Malfoy's rights to produce the heir. After that incident the family laws changed. No child can be concieved out of wedlock.

"Thank you Orion. With that said, who knows where my husband is?" Hermione asks. Her three Summoners lower their heads in shame.

"Mother, father died from Dragon Pox many years ago." Lucius said grabbing Hermione's hand as if to comfort her.

"That's not possible. I made him a potion so that he was immune to Dragon Pox. Knowing what I did then I had to stop that from happening." Looking around the room, everyone had their eyes downcast. Turning to Voldemort, " Tommy Boy, where is my husband?"

Without moving from his position he responded, "Madame Lestrange".

Hermione's eyes snap to Bellatrix. "Where is he Bellatrix?"

"Lestrange Manor," she whispers cowering in fear of punishment.

"Go get him. And if he is hurt in anyway, it will be your life, am I understood?"

"Yes High Priestess." Bella answered just before apparating away.

"High Priestess, we didn't know he was there. Please forgive us." Roldolphus and Rabastian said as they start lowering themselves down as they see Voldemort doing.

"Boys, get up. Only traitors bow to me." Hermione walks to them and pulls them both to a standing position. "Isn't that right Tommy Boy? You made Bellatrix hide my husband and keep it secret didn't you?"

"Yes Your Majesty." Voldemort whispers still not moving.

"Grang....Grandmother, why does he call you Your Majesty?" Draco asks coming to stand with his parents.

"Tom Riddle, was trying to corrupt our world. He tried to kill me many times only to fail. We made an unbreakable vow after his last failed attempt on Christmas day of 7th year." Hermione returned to sit on the couch to tell the story.

I was walking to the great hall for lunch when Tom Riddle stepped in front of me sending the killing curse right at me. I, of course, blocked it with little difficulty. I made him an offer. If he could beat me in a fair duel I will leave and never return. Allow him to carry on as he sees fit. If I win he will forever be my slave. He must do as he is told while I'm alive and of knowing mind. He lost of course. Tommy Boy here was never able to win a duel without cheating.

"How was it he was able to take control like he did?" A death eater that Hermione didn't recognize asked. Before Hermione could answer, the sound of apparition was heard.

"Brax?" Hermione stood and ran to her husband, not caring that her hood fell and showing her identity to all in the room.

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