Her Family

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Whispers were heard from the death eaters around the room. 'Mudblood' 'Granger' 'Potter's friend'

Hermione didn't hear anything that was being said she was too busy. She was looking over her husband and kissing him repeatedly on the mouth and cheeks. "Mia, please. Not if front of everyone." Hermione pulls away smiling at her husband.

"Come meet our family, my love, while I take care of business." Hermione says directing Abraxas to where his son, daughter-in-law and grandson are standing. "Bellatrix Lestrange, please step forward." Bellatrix steps forward with her head down. "Bellatrix Black Lestrange, your crimes against the Circle are imprisonment and torture. How do you plead?"

"Guilty, High Priestess."

"Is there anyone present with evidence or a testimony in favor or against Madame Lestrange?" Hermione looks around the room, her eyes slowing over the three Lestrange wizards then against over Narcissa. All four of them shook their heads no. "Tommy Boy. Anything you would like to add to this hearing?"

Staying in his submissive position. "Your Majesty, Bellatrix was only following my orders. I threatened her family in the beginning. Then as our relationship changed I threatened her sexually."

"That's enough Tommy Boy." Looking at her husband hugging his son and meeting his grandson for the first time. "Dobby." Hermione calls for her favorite elf.

"Lady Malfoy. What can Dobby do for you?" Dobby asked when he answered the call.

"Will you please escort Madame Lestrange to the library? Please stay with her while we debate her sentence. I will call for you when you can return."

"Yes Mistress. Dobby is so happy that Mistress is back. Us house elves have missed Mistress terribly."

"Thank you Dobby." Hermione said to the little elf as he left the room. "Before we begin, is there anyone here who wishes to leave?" Hermione addresses the group. No one moves from their spot. "Okay, we will make this simple. Hand her over to the Aurors or handle this in house."

"My love, what is it that you want to do?" Abraxas asks wrapping his arms around her waist. She was exactly as he remembered. Which was only logical since it has only been a few hours since she left him. However for Abraxas it has been 41 years since he has held her. He knew that his lovely little wife wouldn't care that he is in his 70s and she is still only 29.

Abraxas knew where Hermione was from, even in the very beginning. Their love could survive anything as time has proven to them, now standing together with their family. "I want to try to Help her. I know she can be a little eccentric but we all have our quirks. And she is family, my love."

"Let us start with her closest relations. Roldolphus, please step forward. She is your wife, do you think she could be saved?"

"She is my wife in convenience only, there is no love between us. She is in love with him." He says gesturing to Voldemort.

"That may be so, but you live with her. Do you believe there is a possibility?"

"No, High Priestess, I do not." Roldolphus answered lower his head in fear for voicing his opinion.

"Let's take a vote. Those in favor of rehabilitation. Raise your hand." All death eaters but the Malfoys, Severus and Roldolphus raise their hands. A few Circle members raise their hand as well. "Hands down. Lucius are they being honest with their vote."

"No Mother. Most voted in this way to make you happy with them."

"I hate liars, I hate kiss arses. Vote honestly we are family. I may get angry but I won't hurt you if you don't hurt me or mine. Let's try this again. Those in favor of rehabilitation please raise your hand."  This time a little more than half of the rooms hands went up. "Okay. Dobby." Bellatrix enters the room behind Dobby.

"Can Dobby do anything else for Mistress?" Dobby asks.

"No Dobby, thank you for your help. I believe your old room is still open. If you wish to stay you may. I know I would love having you here." Hermione offers looking at the rest of her family making sure it is okay with them as well. The men all nod to her.

"Thank you Mistress. Dobby will do that. Call Dobby if Mistress needs Dobby."

"Bellatrix a verdict has been made. You will be submitting to a rehabilitation program. You will be living here in the manor under my watchful eye." Hermione states a smile slowly spread across her face.

Bellatrix began to cry hysterically. Bringing her hands to her face. Hermione closes her eyes turning away from the group facing the couch. She takes a deep breathe in then out. When she opens her eyes, Severus is watching her carefully from his place by the couch. He taps the side of his temple. Hermione mouths 'legimens'.

You are doing amazing. Still a know-it-all but a great leader. If anyone can change her, it would be you. Snape's voice rang in Hermione's head. I single tear escapes her eye.

Pushing her thoughts to him, You have no idea what it means to hear you say that.

You truly are powerful. Where did you learn legimency?

I taught myself during fourth year. Snape raised an eyebrow at her. I was bored. I mastered Occlumency fifth year and completed my Animagus form at the start of sixth year.

All self taught or did you get help from someone?

Self taught. She smirks at Severus.

Amazing. How proficient are you? Hermione shamefully looks down at the ground. Miss Granger?

It's Lady Malfoy but you can call me Hermione. I may have been already in your mind since about Christmas of fifth year.

Impossible I would have felt you.

Well you didn't.

May I try to access your mind?

Hermione thought for a minute leaving Snape's mind. She nods her head. Hermione feels Snape probing at her mind, but he can't break through.  She laughs slightly. "Don't hurt yourself Professor." Hermione says aloud.

"How is that even possible?" Snape grunts, stepping closer to her.

"What is it Severus?" Lucius is curious as to what his mother is giggling about that would cause his closest friend to become agitated.

"Severus is upset that he can't access my mind." Hermione says matter of factly facing her son. "Don't worry Severus I'll teach you everything I can."

"I would greatly appreciate it Hermione."

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