The High Priestess

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"Arm." Hermione demands of Voldemort. Keeping his head down Voldemort lifts his left arm to Hermione. She extracts her wand and draws his sleeve up.

Hermione jabs her wand tip into the mark on his arm, Voldemort flinches from the pain. She hears hissing from behind her. "I apologize." She looking apologetically over her shoulder at her little family. Turning back to Voldemort, "You never were powerful enough to do anything right. They shouldn't feel any pain when summoned." She drops his arm and pulls back her left sleeve. On her arm is a mark, she presses her wand tip to it. (See above image of Hermione's tattoo)

Hermione replaced her hood and transformed Voldemort's throne into a couch. Taking a seat in the middle, "Please sit. The others will be here momentarily." Lucius and Draco sat on either side of Hermione stunned and amazed at the power their matriarch has over The Dark Lord. 

After a few moments, the room filled with death eaters wearing their masks and wizards in white hooded robes with their faces hidden in shadow.

"MY LORD? WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" Bellatrix yells while removing her mask, storming towards the wizard on the floor. Hermione flicks her wrist, sending Bellatrix LeStrange across the room onto her back. 

"Hello everyone. If you value your life, I don't recommend talking to the traitor on the floor in front of me." Hermione coolly says from her seat.

A deep baritone voice sounds, "May I inquire as to whom you are Madam?"

Emitting a small laugh, "One would think with how often you complain about my ability to never shut up, you would know who I am. Please step forward Master Snape and remove that ghastly mask."

With a nod from Lucius, Severus Snape does as the cloaked woman asks. Dropping his mask next to Voldemort and stepping around him. "My Lady?" Snape says as he goes to bow to her.

"Stop." Snape freezes mid bow. "Sir, you do not have to bow to me as the traitor requires of you. I respect you a great deal. I have for nearly my whole life." Returning to this full height, Severus keeps his eyes down cast confused as to who the woman is. "Professor please, stop that."

Shock resonates throughout him when he hears the way she calls him 'Professor'. He knows exactly who she is, a smile appears on his face. "What shall I call you?" He asks.

"On missions and in mixed company, it's High Priestess. Otherwise, just by my name. Please join us." Hermione gestures for Severus to stand at Lucius' side.

"Of course High Priestess." Snape says as he moves to stand by the couch facing the others.

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