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"you know axella..."

axella, who stops staring at mia' s sexy thighs  (what what?) looks back at gwen who's sitting there, like a stressed mother fucker she is, and says "i want fries."

"i guess we could go to naomi for some fries? i mean, it's mcdonalds..." axella suggested, and gwen's eyes light up. "oH! good idea!"

after a moment of axella and gwen getting ready, axella goes "let me kick the door this time."

"ugh, fine."



"wE'd liKe tO fiLE a coMplAint!1!1" axella and gwen booms, with the door almost breaking in the background. rip door oppa, you will be missed.

everyone turns their heads to the two idiots, dropping whatever the hell they were doing earlier, just to see them do something even more stupid. it's McDonald's man. sure, stupid things happen every day, but these two were definitely something else.

both of them storms over to the 2 startled cashiers. (julissa seems unbothered though)

"i'd like to talk to," a pause. axella looks at gwen and they both say it. "your manager"

maja and julissa glance at each other worreidly, like oh god why are they doing this again.

maja takes a deep breath and whispers gently "uh axella, could you please calm down?"

"c-cALM DOWN-" gwen holds axella down before she can attack julissa.

"eXcuSe mE yOu bLoNd fuCker, bUt nOt oNly i aM pISSED, bUT yOu dId nOt uSe pRopEr hoNorIfiCs-"

"okay! okay!" julissa and maja opens the door-thing to the kitchen, revealing some sort drinks machines, oily deep fryers, pink slabs of raw burger patties, potatoes and some deformed white thing. gwen thinks it's a nugget. "come inside ma'am" julissa says, exaggerating her hand gestures towards the door to the manager's room.

axella enters the room, and gwen pauses and takes a small glance at them "do you not know your own roommate? the name is axella and gwen." lmao. get rekt. before julissa even replies to gwen's remark, she vanished into the manager's room.


cold silence.

the walls were painted white. the floor was an abstract pattern of yellow, red and black. the desk, the only normal looking thing in the room, was a dark brown. it looked old and over used. unsettling paintings of Ronald McDonald hung on the walls. the eyes seemed to stare at axella and gwen. 

suddenly, the black chair turns slowly.

"hello there." 

axella sighed. she was tired of this introduction. it was the same thing every visit.

"and welcome to hell. also known as maccas." naomi smirked.

"the fuck is a maccas? do you mean McDonalds?" asked gwen.

"no i mean maccas. now what brings you into my territory?"

"well, i was hoping we could have some of your fries. for uh... fuel." gwen explained.

"wait i thought the fries were supposed to go into our mouths not the ca-" axella was cut off by naomi looking at her in confusion.

"i mean, for fuel... definitely for fuel." she quickly said.

naomi shook her head and sighed.

"well. i offered y'all fries before. but did you take them? no."

gwen and axella sighed. it seemed that their quest for fries had come to its untimely finish. until a "bright" idea popped into axella's head.

"oh i'm sorry your manager-ness. we'll be going now." axella fake smiled, dragging gwen out the door.

maja and julissa fell backwards. 360º flip y'all. they were listening through the door and when it opened, they fell onto their asses like some freaking tumbleweed from some cowboy place. yeehAw do you even fall back like that? julissa is one hell of a cowboy *insert cowboy emoji face*

"what happened?" maja asked.

"we're gonna need to steal some fries." axella said, more determined than ever. 

"b-but i don't wanna get fired. i need money to spoil the love of my lif-" maja started.

"okay fine. lissa, will you help us?" axella asked dramatically.

julissa stared at nothing in the distance. this was a perfect opportunity to get fired from her shit job. "yes. yes i will."

"gooD! NOW LET'S GO STEAL SOME FRIES!" gwen cheered, causing julissa to cheer. axella hushed them and the three "fry thieves" snuck into the kitchen with maja nervously following behind them. buzzfeed is cancelled. we have the fry guys.

"guys i don't think this is a good idea-"

suddenly, a figure of a silhouette was just standing in front of them. turns out, it was just naomi. "well well well. look what we have here... chickens just ready to be roasted..."

"this isn't KFC" gwen pointed out, and naomi is somewhat offended.

"shut up- wait does KFC even have roasted chickens?" naomi questions, and gwen just shrugs. "i don't know, i always come here to eat anyways"

"-whatever uh, you can have the fries as long as you pay."

gwen and axella stays silent for a while. "we have no money."

"...wha? your going to a resturant though..." they shrug, not caring "then i guess you need to work."

axella and gwen hi-fives each other. "okay! we'll do the fry work and the customer service!" when naomi is gone to drag maja and julissa to start the chicken and gravy work, axella says "let's get this bread."

"you should have said that in the café where bread was literally everywhere."

"shut you, hwen!"

"shut you, alexa!"


after all that HARD work, they ended the job with some ice cream

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after all that HARD work, they ended the job with some ice cream. and then they obviously went home to prepare some drinks to get maggot with lovable cunts, because who the duck wants to stay at mACCAs?

more like maccaSs.

(Aussie dictionary: Macass is McDonald's, Maggot means drunk and cunt means friend ahaahahha)

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