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"Hey."Roc says slipping back into my room.I smile at him."Hi."He comes and lays next to me.He says nothing else after that and just looks like he's deep in thought.

After 5 minutes I can't take the silence anymore."What's wrong?Did I do something?"I ask him worried."Hmm.Oh no you didn't do anything wrong I'm just thinking..."He tells me avoiding my eyes.I turn his head to face me."Thinking about what?"I ask.He looks in my eyes and takes my hands."Promise you'll hear me out"He tells me."Ok."I say and he looks at me to continue."I promise to hear you out."    "Ok.So I think you should talk to Princeton..."He starts."Who?"I ask seriously."Um Jacob."He says."Why?"I ask pulling my hands away.He sighs."I know he did you wrong in so many ways and I hate him for hurting you but..."   "But what?!"I yell cutting him off."You said it yourself,he cheated on me,he lied,he ruined our relationship!So why would I be the one to talk to him?!"I yell almost at tears bringing up the past.Roc hugs me and I lay my head on his chest."It's ok.I'm sorry for bringing that up."He tells me twiddling with my fingers.

I calm down.After 2 minutes I speak."I'll think about it.But not for me,or him,but for my child."I tell him.I feel him smile."Thank you."He says and kisses my neck.I moan."What's my name?"Roc says against my skin."Roccc."I moan."Government."He says and nibbles my neck gently."Chres..Chresanto."I manage to get out.He smirks and kisses my lips.

We start making out until I hear my dad yell.I pull away and wait to see if I hear it again."What's wrong?"Roc asks looking at me.I look towards the door and sure enough I hear it.

I get off the bed and walk out with Roc behind me.I look downstairs and see my dad walk out the basement with Mikel and the rest of them trailing behind."Why are you so angry?"Mikel asks laughing.He's obviously high,which means he smoked alot,cuz it takes alot for him to get high."Why am I mad?!"Our dad yells which causes Mikel,Rae,and Josh to chuckle.Me and Roc just look from afar."You know what?Just give me all your shit."He says with his hand out waiting.Mikel gives him a half five and they all laugh.Our dad is fuming."I want your keys,your license,and your phone.And you're grounded."He tells him.All of sudden Mikel is alright and he hands all of that to our dad.Dad walks away and then Mikel looks at me...mad.He comes to us.

"I told you to keep them out of the basement!"He says to me."I'm sorry I was in my room."I tell him."That's what you get for smoking in the house."I mutter."Man whatever."He leaves and walks over to Dani."C'mon."I say to Roc.


"Ok y'all gotta go."Mikel says aloud.We laugh."Even me?"Dani asks from his lap."Not you baby you can stay for as long as you want."He flirts and they kiss."Cute.But I agree y'all stayed to long."I tell them."We should sleep over!"Rae says.I look at her emotionless."No."I say blankly."Why?"She whines."Cuz don't nobody wanna see y'all in the morning." Mikel answers."I think that would be fun!"Dani says excitedly."Even if y'all did sleep here,y'all don't have any clothes."I say."You know me and Dani got clothes here and Josh and Roc can borrow Mikel's clothes."Rae says."Fineeeee."I give in."Sure." Mikel says."Yay." They all cheer and we decide to play spin the bottle.


"I'll go first!"I say.I spin it and it lands on Mikel.I quickly kiss his cheek and then he goes.He spins it and it lands on Dani and they kiss for a long ass time."Ok!"Rae says stopping them.I think she's still a little salty.Dani blushes and spins the bottle.It lands on Mikel and this time they do just a quick peck.Mikel spins it again and it lands on Rae.

Uh oh

I see Rae perk up a little.I look at her to calm down and she looks back at me reassuringly.To my surprise Rae doesn't overdue it and just pecks his lips real quick."That wasn't too bad right Dani?"Rae jokes.Rae spins it and it lands on Josh which she's happy about then he spins it and it lands on Dani.Rae face palms herself.They kiss quickly."That wasn't too bad right Rae."Dani jokes smirking.Rae gives her a sarcastic smile then Dani spins it

It lands on me.

"UH fuck no!"Mikel says and turns the bottle to face him.He kisses her then hands the bottle to Roc."Spin nigga."He orders.I chuckle at my brother.Roc spins and fortunately it lands on me.We start kissing and then Mikel stops us."Ok let's just go to bed this is too much for me to handle."He jokes.We throw the bottle away and separate around the living room.All of the couples together and then me and Roc.

***Middle of the night***

I get up to use the bathroom.

I finish and wash my hands.I'm about to leave but I feel arms around me.I look back and it's Roc."Why are you up?"I ask him."I saw you get up and I missed you."He says cutely."How much?"I tease turning in his embrace.He kisses me and pushes me against the sink.Things get heated and he ends up without his shirt.He reaches for mine but I stop him."Not in the bathroom."I tell him.He looks disappointed cuz he thinks we're done.I grab his hand and we carefully walk upstairs and into my room....

It went down and let me tell you,he's way bigger,better,and more experienced than Jacob.

We laid next to each other breathing heavily."That was amazing."He breathes out.We look at the time.

Damn almost 2 hours!

As amazing at it was I can't get one thing off my mind.He didn't kiss me or comfort me during that at all.All I saw was lust and nothing more.Did I rush things?I keep making stupid mistakes...

My Prince or my Roc (Princeton story)Where stories live. Discover now