You're acting weird

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I start pinching myself to make sure I'm not dreaming.I look over and he's still there.I notice his arms around me and we're both naked.
Hell no!Did I sleep with him?!What do I do?

I try and get out of his embrace by lifting his arm."Babe where you going?"He asks half asleep.

I mentally cuss and he goes back to sleep after me not responding.I quickly throw some clothes on and leave the room.I see on the stairs all of my clothes from yesterday and what I'm guessing,Jacobs clothes.I quickly gather them up and go back to my room where he's still sleeping peacefully.I collect myself and tap him softly at first then harder when he doesn't answer."Huh what?"He says confused but when he sees it's me he smiles."Hey babe,that was great last night."He says lifting up while I fidget uncomfortably."Um Jacob...whatever we did was a mistake."I say not meeting his eyes.He picks up his boxers and puts em on then stands up."What do you mean it was a mistake?"He asks confused."Look Jacob, after everything you've done you really think I would just call you over here like that?I was drunk im case you didn't notice."I tell him."So you don't want to get back together?"He asks me looking into my eyes and I just shake my head."I think you should just go..."I tell him and he sighs.He puts on the rest of his clothes."Are you still pressing charges?"He asks me after getting his stuff.I scoff."So you think cuz I sucked your dick you're off the hook?You still deserve to rot in prison for everything you've done!"I yell at him."I'm sorry Alexis,I love you."He says with emphasis on love."Everything you've done isn't love!This."I say pointing at him then me."Wasn't love!I was drunk and called you up.I wasn't in my right mind--"   "But yet you called me and not Roc."He interrupts me and leaves me speechless."Just get out."I say and he just leaves.

I get my phone to call Rae cuz I need to talk to someone but all I see are missed calls and texts from everybody.What's going on?Before I can do anything the doorbell rings and I go to answer it....It's Roc...
Oh my God did he see Jacob leave?He knows!I'm fucked.

I stand there scared as to what he's gonna say."Hey."He says smiling and reaches for a hug.I give him a quick hug cuz I haven't had a shower."Why haven't you been answering your phone?"He asks closing the door behind him."Uh I..I fell asleep early and ended up sleeping in."I lie and giggle nervously.He looks like he wants to say something but I change the subject."So what's up?Why is everyone tryna reach me?"I ask curiously."Mikel woke up."He tells me smiling and I just stand there taking it in."He did?"Roc nods and open his arms for me.I walk into his embrace and the tears start spilling.

After a minute of me crying Roc ruins the moment."Hate to ruin the moment but you need to shower."He says and makes a disgusted face.I laugh and pull away from him."Will you take me to the hospital?"I ask him."Of course."He says."Ok lemme shower real quick--"I say."Can I join you?"Roc asks seductively.
I wish.Why would I call Jacob over Roc?

I laugh and brush it off."No."I say and go up stairs.

After my shower I come out with my towel to see Roc sitting on my bed.I get scared and jump not expecting to see him and my towel drops."Damn."Roc cusses.I quickly pick it up and wrap it back around blushing.He gets up and comes over to me.He grabs my hands so that my towel drops again and leans down to my ear."Is there something you want to tell me?"He asks and I start to panic.I avoid his eyes while his eyes wander my body."No there's nothing I need to tell you!Why would you think that?!"I say nervously my voice cracking.He doesn't notice and just smirks."Admit."He says as he places kisses between each word on my collar bone."You.Want.Me."At the last word I moan out.He kisses me and carries me to the bed.He starts stripping but I stop him."What's wrong?"He asks me confused."I don't think we should do this."I tell him."Is it cuz of Robyn?"He asks.
No it's cuz of Jacob.

"Yes."I lie and he sighs.We're both silent and I just get up and put my clothes on.When I'm done he's still laying there and he motions me to come over."Lay down with me."He tells me and I do.He wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek."You know I love you right?"He asks."Yes."I croak out."So I can tell when you're lying..."He says and my heart stops."What's really wrong?You've been acting weird since I came over."   "It's just..."
Should I tell him?

"I'm just afraid to see Mikel that's it.I haven't visited him and I hope he's not mad at me."I tell him.It's not a lie cuz I am but that's not what's really bothering me."Ok let's go then.I bet he's just happy you're safe but he'll probably be a little upset about the baby."He says and we stand up.We leave and start driving to the hospital.I can't wait for the trial so this can all be over with.

Y'all probably mad that she didn't tell him but what would you do?So the last couple chapters have been real depressing so now that Mikel is back the next chapter gon be so turnt!Lol I'll see y'all later bye!

Follow me on instagram @Girl_wonder33

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