That Jacob's gone

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"Aye shut the fuck up!"

I look over and Mikel is awake.

"Mikel!"Me and Dani shout at the same time."Hey guys.Now who is this nigga?"He asks.I fill him in and he fakes throwing up."Y'all bitches make me sick."He says and I chuckle a little."Ouch."He says and looks down at his wound."Who shot me?!"He asks confused.I look at him with an I don't know face and Dani opens her mouth to answer but Michael interrupts her."I'm bout to put 3 bullets inside each of you if y'all don't stop talking."He threatens."Mannn ain't nobody scared of your old ass."Mikel dares."Mikel stop he's dangerous."Dani warns him and Micheal laughs."Better listen to your bitch boy, oh wait I forgot,she's everyone's bitch isn't she?"He says still laughing and Robyn joins in."What the fuck does that mean?!"Mikel yells and tries to jump up."Tell me something,have you hit that yet cuz just about everybody in here has."Micheal says and Dani hangs her head in shame.Mikel turns to Dani."Is he the one that raped you?!"He asks her but she doesn't answer."Dani!"He yells and she jumps at the volume of his voice.She looks up with tears streaming down her face and nods.

I look at Mikel and he's seething with anger he tries to jump up again but fails."You're a bitch ass nigga how could you rape a little girl?!"He yells at Mikel."Rape?"He scoffs."Is that what she told you it was?That slut wanted it why else would she spend all her time at our house."    "You're sick.I" spit.He turns to look at me."Jacob I'm tired of this one take her.You said you wanted her so go ahead,do whatever you want to her."Jacob doesn't move."Did you hear me?Jacob take her or I'll kill her" Jacob nods and comes over to me and unties me."Don't touch my sister!"    "Wait what is he gonna do with her?"Robyn asks but no one answers.Jacob ignores them and takes his gun out again and escorts me out the room into another one with a bed.
Oh hell no.

"Sit down."He tells me."Jacob,first of all you don't order me around like that and---"I say but he cuts me off."Sit down!"He yells and pushes me on the bed.I gasp at his roughness but don't say anything.He sits next to me and starts rubbing my belly.
What the fuck?

"You make me so angry Alexis."He says and I don't respond."I love you so much but you don't love me never did."He says."I did love you Jacob."I tell him."What changed?"He looks at me."You did Jacob.Or maybe you were always like this and I just never noticed."I answer.He's quiet for a minute."I can get you out of this just take me back".He says and grabs my hand."No Jacob just do the right thing,let us go and---"   "No!I want you and if you don't want me then I'll just take you!"He yells and gets on top of me.

"Stop Jacob!Stop get off me!"I yell and try pushing him off but he's too strong.He kisses me."I haven't kissed you in so long."He kisses me again and I'm still trying to push him off.

He stops and takes off my shirt.But while he's doing that I'm able to push him off.He gets angry and comes back and slaps me.I'm so surprised Jacob actually slapped me.He caresses my face and looks at me."Look what you made me do Alexis,I don't like hurting you."He tells."You're just like your dad you monster!"I yell at him.

I must've struck a nerve cuz I've never seen him so mad."I'll show you a monster."He says and forcefully pulls down my pants and underwear.He spreads my legs and I start kicking at him but he holds them down.He holds my legs with one hand and pulls his pants down in one motion.
Is he really gonna do this to me?

I think he is...the thought of being raped by someone I once thought loved me is too much.I start crying,I cry even harder when I feel him forcefully enter me.

With every stroke the pleasure I once felt is replaced with pain....

When he's done he looks at me with no emotion."There's a bathroom right there get your self cleaned up.And don't try and run or I'll shot you."He tells me and gets on his phone.I limp to the bathroom and close the door.I get in the shower and turn it on and as soon as I do the water at my feet turns red.
I'm bleeding.

I look at my inner thigh and see blood.I cry more tears even though I thought I was all out."My baby..."I whisper to myself.I get out the shower and go back out to Jacob."Jacob...I'm..I'm bleeding I think something is wrong with the baby".I tell him."Good riddance."He says without looking up."But---"   "Are you done?"He says cutting me off.I don't answer so he throws some clothes at me."Hurry up."I put the clothes on and he grabs me by my arm and back into the room with the others.He ties me up and I just keep my head down in shame.Micheal is gone and Robyn is the only one there with Mikel and Dani.Jacob goes over to her and kisses her."Look at her,she's so happy she got one more taste before she dies."Robyn laughs at me."I know babe."Jacob agrees.
Where did Princeton go?I guess that Jacob's gone....
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