Flasback 3

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Jacob's P.o.V


"Jacob,honey,tell Dani that we'll be back in a couple hours."Dani's mom tells me holding Dani's little brother ,Derek.I nod and go back to doing my homework.Her parents and Derek walk out the front door and I hear them drive away.I get up to tell Dani what her mom told me.

On the way to her Dani's room I passed by me and Dereks room..I know right, I've been living here for almost 4 years and I have to share a room with a five-year old.Anyway I walk into Dani's room and she's texting on her phone."Your mom told me to tell you that her and your dad took Derek somewhere, and they'll be back in a couple hours."I tell her and I'm about to walk out but she says something."Fuck off."She says not lifting her head.I turn around."You know what?What is your fucking problem?"I semi yell."Get the fuck out my room."She says still not looking at me."I guess you're just a bitch huh?"I scoff."I said get the fuck out my room!"She yells at me now looking at me."Why the fuck do you hate me so much what have I ever done to you!?"I yell back."Oh you wanna know what you did?You just stood there while your dad beat your mom to death and you let him fucking rape me!"She yells now crying."But I finally know why..."She says and I open my mouth to speak."Cuz your a sick heartless bastard and you never loved your mother or cared about me.I thought we were friends..."She says but I cut her off."Don't talk about my mother."I warn her."Why?"She scoffs."You didn't care about her cuz you're just like your father."She says.She looks at me triumphant when I put my head down.

Dani's P.o.V

I look at him as he puts his head down.

I'm glad I made him feel as bad as I've felt all these years.

He starts laughing.Not a nice, happy laugh but a dark, spiteful laugh.He looks up at me with pure hatred in his eyes."Thank you.Thank you for giving me another reason to hate you.I hate you for having the perfect life,I hate you for being the only person to make my mother smile,and I hate you for making my father leave me."He says."But really,thank you,thank you for comparing me to my father.Cuz now I won't feel guilty about hurting you."He says stepping closer.Now I'm scared."Get away from me..."I tell him,my voice shaking .He roughly pushes me on my bed and rips my clothes off....

I black out reliving the first time this happened and wake up in a hospital.My mother is standing over me."What..what happened?"I say faintly.She looks at me."Honey,Jacob..he..he raped you."She tells me tears brimming her eyelids.I immediately grow angry."Where is he?"I say gritting my teeth."He's in jail.Don't worry honey you'll never see him again...."I breathe I sigh of relief.

End of Flashback

But she lied.I saw him at school the next week and everyday till highschool.His dad bailed him out and bought him a house.A house!But Jacob's always there by himself.I put all of this behind me and just ignored him.Till he came back in our lives, hopefully he's out of it from now till forever...

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