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"Alexis are you ok?"Dani asks but I can't answer."I pray to God this nigga didn't touch my sister!"Mikel exclaims towards the sky."So what if I did?"Jacob dares.Mikel snaps his head at Jacob's direction."I know this bitch ain't talking to me!"He says."Who you calling a bitch?"Jacob asks."You nigga who else,now untie us so I can bust a cap up your ass!One time is all it takes nigga, one time!"Mikel threatens.Jacob is about to respond but the door busts up causing me to jump.

Michael walks in looking mad as fuck.I can tell cuz he's doing that thing Jacob used to do with his eyebrows when he got mad.

He walks in and runs right up to me."Where's my shit bitch?!"He yells in my face spitting on me.I just shrug but don't look him in the eye.He lifts my head forcefully."I'm going to ask one more time...where is my weed?"He says slowly."I. Don't.Know."I mimic his pace.His head drops."It could've been easy."He says shaking his head.He raises his hand to hit me but Dani says something."We don't have your weed Michael!You still haven't told us how you think we did it!"She yells at him."Look who wants talk now..."He says snapping his head at her.All of a sudden he jumps to her and grabs her neck with both of his hands."Don't you EVER yell at me like that again you bitch!You have my shit and I--"He says but gets cut off by Mikel punching him in the face?
Can't be,he's tied up.

I look and it is Mikel.Michael lets go of Dani and she starts gasping for air.Mikel lungs again but is held back by Jacob...really nigga(page kennedy voice).Mikel takes that as an opportunity to hit Jacob too and elbows him right in the face.Jacob lets go to hold onto his now bleeding nose.Micheal is all the way across the room so Mikel can't reach him.He only untied his hands so his legs are still tied to the chair.Michael pulls out a gun and points it at him."Sit.Down."He demands.I look at Mikel with pleading eyes.He sits down.
I'm a little confused as to why he didn't just kill him...He doesn't want Mikel so...

"Jacob tie him back up,do it right this time."Jacob lets go of his face to do so.When he's done Michael punches him in his face."Next something happens to me it happens to you too."Jacob holds his face once again and nods in understanding."Take him to Ray and get him to tell where the weed is."Michael demands.Jacob nods and takes Mikel out of the room but before he does Mikel turns to me and mouths It's easy and then gestures towards the knots.I nod slightly.

"Get out Robyn!"He yells."But why daddy,I can help and--"  "Get out."He says again and she leaves."Now I have you two,no distractions."Michael says smiling.My instincts are telling me I'm gonna get raped again but instead he spends the whole day demanding the weed.Every time I dozed off he threw freezing cold water at me,he slapped us a couple times cuz we kept getting "smart".He still doing it and it's been at least 5 hours, but then Robyn walks in and stands next to his seat."Daddy, mom wants to know if--"He cuts her off."If you come in here one more time--"   "But dadddddyyy!"She whines and he jumps up and grabs her neck like he did with Dani before.
His own daughter?!

"Don't interrupt me slut!I told you to get out!"He yells in her face and I can see the spit flying.

"Ok da-daddy."She manages to choke out.He lets go and she gasps for air."Leave."He says and turns his back to her.She runs out of there and he continues questioning us.
Robyn's P.o.V

I run out the room and into the hall.Did he really just do that to me?I need Jake.I go to a room I think he went in but I don't see him instead I walk into a room full of guys.I try and get out before anyone sees me but I don't."Hey baby."One says.Another one whistles."Lemme holla at you."Another one says.I try to keep going but someone grabs my arm."Let.Me.Go."I demand.He laughs."You tryna grow balls now?I just want a taste.."He says and grabs my ass and whole bunch of guys cheer him on.I'm struggling to get out of his grasp and then I use my free hand to slap him.

I run out and hide around a corner incase he follows me...he doesn't I check another room and find Jake.I call his name but he doesn't look at me his attention is on something else.I follow his gaze and see Mikel hurt badly.I quickly close the door and fall to the ground.

Why Mikel?He was always so nice to me at school even when he knew his sister and girlfriend hated me.He never treated me like a slut but as a person.I only wanted him to hurt Alexis and Dani for all they've done to me.I didn't want her to have his baby so I wanted him to kill it but this is going too far...I have to end this.

Something real quick guys but uh if you're not aware this book is close to ending we're almost at 50 chapters and I'm thinking it'll end at like 60-65.I hope y'all liked it and follow me on instagram @girl_wonder33.

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