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Everything. Everything about him was perfect to Yuta. The way he packed up his books when the bell rung. The way his nimble fingers would grip the doorknob of the classroom door before he turns it. The way he sighs in frustration when he can't understand the instructions written in hangul on their assignments.

Yuta had moved from Osaka to a international school located in Seoul specifically for the purpose of studying aboard. Those plans were quickly side-tracked when he first met him.

Dong Sicheng.

Yuta's whole world began to revolve around this boy. Though, his relationship and friendship with Sicheng was nonexistent, Yuta never went a single hour without his mind drifting off to the Chinese boy. Yuta quickly developed habits due to the boy. Where he sat at lunch to determine how well he could watch Sicheng from a distance. Soon enough, Yuta even began to enjoy gym as it was a chance to see Sicheng in a sweaty and tired state which was obviously very attractive to the Japanese.

He couldn't state for sure if it was "love" he was feeling when looking at Sicheng. And it really wasn't love. It was an obsession.


Yuta's head rested upon his palm. He gazed to the back of the Chinese boy who sat only two seats ahead of him. 

"Yuta? Yuta?" 

He snapped out of his daze upon the demanding voice of his male teacher,"Huh?"

"You're not paying attention again?"

"I am."

"Do you mind telling me the answer to number three then?"


The teacher sighed,"Correct."

Yuta rested his head onto his desk,"Lucky guess."


The Japanese boy carried his steel lunch tray through the cafeteria, sitting down where he always sat. He silently gazed at Sicheng eating across from the table where he sat at. He paid barely any attention to the food laid in front of him and all his attention was given to the meal across from him. 

Sicheng scribbled onto a notebook while engaging himself in a conversation with a brown-haired boy who sat across from him. The chilling feeling of a piercing gaze was always aggressive during this time. Though Sicheng believed it was his own mind playing tricks with him, he constantly felt that lingering feeling of being invariably watched never seemed to leave.

"What do you think about Yuta?" the boy across from Sicheng asked him.

Sicheng asked back,"What do you mean?" 

"He just seems kinda weird. I don't know. Who attends a school for over two years and has no desire to make some type of friend?"

"I'm sure he might have his reasons, Jaehyun."

Sicheng peered over Jaehyun's shoulder, catching a quick glance at his classmate. Both of the boy's eyes met for a split second before Yuta quickly diverted his attention else feeling flustered at the sudden eye contact.

"One second." Sicheng said to Jaehyun, shortly after standing up and strolling over to Yuta. Yuta quickly grew anxious as he saw Sicheng approach him. His hands scrambled over his tray, resulting in the steel utensils falling onto the tile floor.

Sicheng sat across from Yuta, his face cupped within his own two hands,"Hi."

Yuta gazed around, almost unsure if Sicheng was really talking to him. "Hi?"

"I'm S-" "Sicheng. I know. We're in the same class."


"Did someone force you to come over here?"

Sicheng cutely furrowed his eyebrows,"I came over here because I wanted to talk to you."

"Okay, but, why?"

Honestly, this was the most awkward and uncomfortable conversation Yuta had ever had. He didn't understand why Sicheng would take the time and effort to even attempt  to talk to him. Not to mention Sicheng even being this close to him made him extremely flustered.

Sicheng scratched the back of his neck,"Do you have LINE?"

"No. I never felt like making an account and I don't have anyone to add anyways."

"Then do you mind if we exchange numbers instead? Honestly, I kinda want to get to know you."

"What- What- What?!"  Yuta mentally screamed. Not only was this "crush" of his talking to him this closely but wanted his phone number.

"Sure, I guess." Right before Yuta handed Sicheng his phone, he quickly halted himself, remembering how many pictures of Sicheng were in his phone and how "stalker-ish" it would make him seem.

"Wait, uh. I'm currently having this problem with my phone where it doesn't seem to save numbers so it would probably be better if I put mine in." Obviously a lie.

Sicheng softly smiled at the boy and handed his phone over with a soft,"Okay."

Yuta entered his number in and handed it back to Sicheng who noticed the contact named Yuta had put for himself. "45th state of america" He softly giggled after realizing the joke and shoved his phone back into his pocket. 

"I have to head back. I'll talk to you later, Yuta."

It practically melted him inside. Even the way Yuta's name rolled off Sicheng's tongue sent him to insanity. How could a human be so flawless?


Yuta waited hours after school just waiting for Sicheng to text. He repeatedly clicked the side button of his phone as if it would make a message suddenly appear.                                                      

He didn't understand why he was so caught up on receiving a message. Hell, he didn't even know why he became so obsessed with Sicheng. In Osaka he'd never even felt this way towards getting the cutest girl's attention in his class. 

Yuta disappointingly rested his chin on the wooden coffee table he seated himself before. His phone was held under his right hand just waiting to receive something. And he did. 
A notification from Amazon telling him his payment method was expired or declined. He didn't care enough to check. 

Before Yuta could turn off the screen once again, a notification popped up at the top of his phone screen. Upon seeing it was from his built in messaging app, he clicked on it faster than needed.

Unknown: yuta? this is Sicheng btw

one sec, let me save your number

Unknown: i thought you said your
phone had issues with saving numbers

oh, yeah totally

Unknown: will you make a line account now?

why would i?

Unknown: because now you'll have someone to add



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