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Yuta and Sicheng met up at their usual spot; in front of the lockers. Unlike "other days" where it'd just be Yuta and Sicheng or maybe Taeil somewhere in the picture, Jaehyun was present. Yuta barely knew anything about Jaehyun. They never talked nor were they in any classes together. The only time he'd spend a "considerable" amount of time with Jaehyun was when they all stuck around Sicheng for a couple days after Kun died. Sure, Yuta didn't like Jaehyun. He didn't like anyone who spent so much of Sicheng's time. His diversion for Jaehyun was no where near his loathing for Kun though. 

Yuta approached the two who were having an active conversation. There was nothing visible to Yuta that'd exactly make him aggravated until, he saw Sicheng smiling. As innocent as the action would seem to anyone, it pissed Yuta off. Not due to the fact that Sicheng was smiling, it was because he was smiling because of someone else. The Japanese gripped his backpack strap before letting out a deep breath to relax himself and walking to Sicheng. He quietly went behind Sicheng, who was too immersed in his conversation to notice, and opened his locker. Sicheng continued chatting with Jaehyun till the sound of Yuta slamming close his locker and saying,"Good morning," gave Yuta his attention. 

Sicheng shifted over to Yuta, flashing a cheeky smile at his friend,"Morning, Yuta."

Jaehyun kept his arms crossed as he leaned against the locker, not bothering to say anything to Yuta. Sicheng elbowed Jaehyun, almost as if telling him "stop being a rude fuck". Not that Yuta exactly cared though. He had no desire to make friends or spend his time with anyone other than Sicheng. Jaehyun let out a sigh, slinging his backpack around his shoulder,"I'll see you in math, Sicheng," then walking and disappearing into the hall crowded with students. 

Yuta leaned on his shoulder,"What's his problem?"

"I promise he's not usually like that. Well, since the whole' thing'  happened, he's been a little ruder to people he doesn't trust."

Yuta clicked his tongue,"So, he's playing the 'everybody's a suspect' game?"

"I guess you could call it that." Sicheng's face saddened a bit yet, when he noticed that Yuta had seen the expression change, he quickly put on his smile once again. "I have to go meet Jaehyun in math. I'll see you later."

Yuta brightly smiled at Sicheng before the Chinese disappeared the same way Jaehyun did. 


Yuta strolled to a nearby convenience store. Surprisingly, he didn't accompany Sicheng after school as he normally would. Yuta walked around the side of the store, sliding down against the wall and sitting there. He unzipped his backpack, pulling out a bag of candy to entertain himself. After opening the bag and popping the sugar in his mouth, Yuta checked his phone,"It's four already." A few minutes passed before the person Yuta was waiting for; Jaehyun had arrived at the store. He shuffled around, making sure Jaehyun's viewpoint would be too obstructed to see him. Yuta sat there for hours, specifically three. During the fourth hour, he'd ran out of candy which bored him out. After the four hours spent sitting along the side of the store, Jaehyun's voice was finally heard as he clocked out along with the sound of the bells jingle when the door swung close and open. 

Yuta crossed to the opposite side of the road with the intent to make it less obvious he was following Jaehyun. Jaehyun kept his airpods in his ears the whole time as he strolled to house along the barely illuminated roads. The lights along the alleyway flickered. The environment gave Yuta the perfect opportunity. "Not now."  He watched as Jaehyun entered a apartment complex and closed the door behind him. Yuta threw his hoodie over his head and continued walking down the dim street.


The following morning, Yuta had awoken earlier than he ever had. The sun had still not risen and the streets were covered with fog. Yuta threw on his windbreaker then sliding a hoodie on over that and leaving the house. He walked to a nearby gym. It was the same routine as yesterday. He again lingered around the entrance of the gym and, finally, Jaehyun appeared. He walked inside the gym. Unlike yesterday, he only stayed in the building for a hour and half before leaving the building and walking to school. Yuta headed the opposite way; back to his house where he'd hope it was possible to sleep longer.

5 a.m. - 6:30 a.m. : spends it at the gym

7 a.m. : arrives at school

3: 25 p.m. - 7: 45 p.m. : leaves school and attends four hour shift at a convenience store

7: 45 - 8: 15 : walks home 


Yuta spent the rest of the day accompanying Sicheng as he normally would. Yuta once again possessed that temporary feeling of ease. Yuta sat along the side of the mirrors of the practice room. His fingers hovered over the keyboard of his laptop as he thought of what to type for an essay they had due. Yet, he found it hard to focus when Sicheng was right there in front of him. Yuta set down his laptop and walked towards Sicheng. Without warning, he back-hugged Sicheng, in a more so "playful" type of way. Sicheng smiled at their reflection in the mirror. He removed Yuta's grasp from his waist and turned around. It was unknown to Sicheng how close Yuta was really standing from him for when he turned around they were only three inches from each other. Yuta awkwardly smiled at Sicheng while the counterpart hardly swallowed with a peach tint present on his pale cheeks. If it wasn't for the music playing, it'd be possible to hear their increasing heart rates. Sicheng abruptly stepped back and conveniently his phone rang . Sicheng awkwardly laughed when he went to answer the phone. He swiped the green button on his phone and brought the device to his ear,"What is it, Taeil?"

While Sicheng's attention stayed to his conversation, Yuta's mind wandered almost endlessly.


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