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He walked through the halls filled with nothing but silence. It was still fairly early in the morning which is why the windows of the school remained foggy and covered in droplets of morning dew. His soft footsteps echoed against the polished tile. Every click his heels made gave the hall a temporary relief from silence. The generator outside softly buzzed, the sound accompanied by the distance sound of passing cars.

And then it was dark.

And that darkness was followed by excruciating pain.


With Kun, Jaehyun and Taeyong gone, Taeil and Yuta were all Sicheng had left. At this point in time, students were even betting on who would get killed next. Sicheng was beyond terrified. What if something happens to Yuta or Taeil? What would he do then?


Sicheng sat in the courtyard of the school, deciding he'd rather eat outside for a change. His airpods plugged his ears, humming what ever song he was listening to while taking bites of a packaged sandwich. The sun beamed on his skin, the wind accompanying the heat with a breeze.

Yuta pushed open the front school doors, almost immediately spotting Sicheng and walking over to him,"So this is where you went."

"I wanted to try something different, I guess."

Yuta sat down next to Sicheng, setting his backpack down in between his legs,"Well, next time tell me so I don't end up wandering inside the cafeteria for fifteen minutes."

Sicheng slightly grinned, taking another bite of his sandwich. He watched as Yuta scavenged through his backpack for a good moment before sitting back and sighing.

Sicheng swallowed,"What are you looking for?"

"Cash. I forgot lun-" Before Yuta finished his sentence, Sicheng stuffed the rest of his sandwich in Yuta's mouth. Sicheng turned his body away from Yuta's, his arms crossed over his chest trying to act bigger as a blush was spread over his cheeks,"You're welcome."

Yuta's lips remained puffy as he struggled to chew, mumbling,"Thank you." barley clear enough for anyone to understand.

Sicheng crossed his legs, his hands set on either side of him and turned towards Yuta. Though Yuta was in a messy state, struggling to chew the sandwich which had been forcefully stuffed, Sicheng still couldn't take his eyes off of him. Finally Yuta swallowed, his eyes meeting Sicheng's which were staring,"Do I look that ugly when I eat?"

Sicheng shook his head and bit down on his smile. The bell rung causing both boys to stand up, secure their backpacks and say their temporary goodbyes to each other before heading to separate classes.

"It had to be done."


Sicheng rubbed his eyes as his teacher took attendance.

"Has anyone seen Taeil?"

The Chinese looked at the empty desk beside him. "Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Taeil at all today."

The female teacher looked at Sicheng,"Sicheng, have you seen Taeil today? I understand you two are close?"

"I haven't but, I can go look around the halls."

The teacher nodded,"Please be quick."

Sicheng stood up from his desk, exiting the class through the sliding door and into the halls which were now empty. He jogged around, checking the men's restroom and changing room but to no avail. Sicheng pulled out his phone and dialed Taeil's phone. It stayed quiet for a few seconds before that faintly rememberable ringtone became slightly audible. Sicheng moved back towards a single closet where the sound originated from. The sound grew closer and louder with each step. Sicheng called for Taeil seconds before his fingers grasped the door handle, twisting it. In that split second, the phone stopped ringing, Taeil's voicemail playing through the phone as Sicheng's phone hit the ground.

"No, no, no, no, no, no-" Sicheng fell to his knees upon the terrifying site. He didn't understand. Why was Taeil lying there bleeding out of his wrists?
Sicheng crawled towards Taeil's body, his jeans absorbing the blood.

Sicheng pitifully smiled, tears unknowingly streaming,"Taeil, wake up. Please, you can't leave me too. You got me, now wake up. Please." The crying boy softly shook his friends heavy body. His hand rested on Taeil's cheek,"Please, wake up."


Sicheng stood tiredly, embraced tightly in Yuta's arms. His eyes stained red, watching Taeil's body carried outside the school. What was more sickening? The fact that several students were ecstatic that Taeil died only because they got to leave school early.

Sicheng turned his entire body towards Yuta, he gripped the Japanese's collar before breaking down onto his chest.

"When murder there's a and no suspects you first have to suspect everyone around that person. Whether it was a hate crime or simply manslaughter."

"So, he's playing the 'everybody's a suspect' game?"

"These deaths only started to happen when that Japanese kid became friends with Sicheng. I told you he's weird."

"What gives you the right to comfort Sicheng like that? You weren't there for him when he needed someone."

Sicheng shook his head, too many overwhelming thoughts filled it. 


Yuta brought Sicheng to his apartment as the younger didn't want to be alone. Sicheng timidly sat on Yuta's couch, his hands set on his lap as Yuta poured a glass of water and handed it to him. Sicheng accepted the glass, sipping the water which hydrated his parched throat. Yuta sat down beside the younger. Neither of them said a single word, all they did was direct their eyes anywhere but each other's. Sicheng locked down at the water, glazing at his faint reflection in the water,"You're not gonna leave me too, are you?"

Yuta looked at Sicheng,"What do y-"

Sicheng dropped the glass, spilling the water and shattering the cup. He laid on top of Yuta who was leaning on the armrest,"You won't leave me, right?"



"I promise I won't leave you."

Yuta peered at Sicheng. He couldn't take it anymore. Yuta touched the Chinese boy's cheek, without warning he closed the gap between their lips. And in response, Sicheng immediately pulled back. His cheeks tinted pink, but he said different from what his body told,"Yuta, I don't like you like that." 

Yuta nodded,"I'm sorry."


Today, at --------- high school, a students body was discovered in a supply closet. The victim identified as XX year old, Moon Taeil, supposedly commited suicide by slitting his wrists. While the crime scene appeared to be a suicide, police believe it may be a murder due to the way the young male's wrists were slit. This is the third student death at --------- high school in the span of seven months. At this point in time, no suspect has been apprehended for any of these murders.

did i just kill off my ultimate bias?
yes, yes i did

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