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On May 6th, 4:23 p.m. , Nakamoto

Yuta was apprehended after it was

revealed that he had been keeping

fellow classmate and friend, Dong

Sicheng hidden in a back room in

his apartment. The two officers,

Jeon Eunhee and Park Jae-geun

responded to the scene after a close

friend of the victim, Lee Taeyong

suspected Nakamoto was holding

the victim captive after

reevaluating jealous tendencies

that the culprit had shown in the


After a careful investigation, it

was later revealed that Nakamoto

had also been responsible for the

recent murders at --------- High


Nakamoto Yuta faced trial where

he pleaded neither guilty nor

innocent. The XX year old, Japanese

male was declared guilty of

manslaughter and kidnapping. He

was sentenced to death in prison.

if y'all thought yuta was gonna
get a happy ending after
killing off taeil
you was damn wrong

Sicheng adjusted his hair in the overhead mirror in his car. He exhaled sharply, gripping the car wheel. He shook his head and exited the parkex car. He walked inside the oddly familiar prison. It was only familiar due to all the times he'd parked in the front of it, pondering if he should go inside, then he'd decide 'no' and leave.

He entered the building, gripping the edge of his shirt as if his life depended on it. He stood in front of the women at the front desk. She smiled at him,"Who are you here to visit?"

Sicheng swallowed,"Nakamoto Yuta."

im aware that death row inmates

arent permitted to have visitors
but bare with me for plot convince

A couple of minutes which seemed like forever passed before Yuta, dressed in an orange jumpsuit, was brought to the other side of the mirror by a security guard. With that, Yuta instantly smiled. They each grabbed the phone attached to wall and brought it to their ear.

Sicheng half-heartedly smiled,"How are you doing, Yuta?"

Yuta coughed through his smile,"The food's terrible, the cells stink and I despise the showers but, it's better that you're here. Why did you suddenly visit?"

Sicheng lowered his eyes,"Did you forget, Yuta? Tomorrow; it's your execution."

Yuta looked at the wire burn on Sicheng's wrist through the glass,"Oh, that's it, huh?"


"Why did you kill them?"

"Jealousy? You were the first person I genuinely liked."

Sicheng dug his fingernails into his sweaty palm. Why did he feel pity for Yuta when he was insane enough to kill someone because of pure jealously?

"You know, Yuta... For some strange reason I couldn't bring myself to hate you when you forced me into that dark room. I didn't want to hit you just to escape. The strangest part is that I still don't hate you after all this time."

Yuta loosened his grip on the phone.

"The worst part is that even before you killed Kun, I had already started to fall in love with you."

Yuta froze. His mind stopped paying attention to anything else. His whole being was fixated on Sicheng and his words.

"Because of you, I'm scared to fall in love."

Yuta unknowingly teared up, the salty tears flowed down his cheeks in utter defeat and regret. He should have never done any of it.

The Japanese pressed his hand against the glass, practically begging anyone for another chance. Sicheng gazed into Yuta's eyes, he was completely lost on what to feel. He was supposed to feel hatred for Yuta but he never was able to bring himself to. Even the slightest.

Yuta lowered his head, his shoulders shook as he cried.

Sicheng exhaled through his nose,"It's okay, Yuta. It'll be okay."

Yuta looked up at Sicheng,"I'm sorry."

Sicheng smiled at Yuta. Why would he still have the heart to smile at this murderer who stole his friend's lives?

The security guard from Yuta's side walked up to Yuta and groped his shoulder,"Times up."

Sicheng stood up as did Yuta. The two just stared at each other, in a paradox; their own world, until Yuta was removed from the room and dragged back into his cell. 

Sicheng exhaled, his shoulders loosened up.

"The fact that I still feel this way about him must mean I'm insane. Don't worry, Yuta. For some strange and possibly sick reason, I still love you."


The following day arrived in what seemed faster than Yuta would have liked. His entire day was painted with the realization of what would come to him in only a couple of hours.

Towards midday, Yuta was "rewarded" with a meal of his choice, which he knew was going to be his last.

After receiving it, he sadly picked at the Takoyaki he selected. Every second grew closer to that painful, unavoidable ending.

Only two hours after consuming the food, he was handcuffed and walked through the halls. In the end of the narrow halls, he was forced into a room. His whole body shook violently.
The only noise that came from that room was Yuta's silent cries as he awaited for it to occur.
And in the end of it all, he never came out of that room alive.


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