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Days passed while Yuta continued this routine of stalking Jaehyun's daily activities. Through those days, Jaehyun had never noticed the Japanese tailing him from morning to night. 

Yuta sat across from Sicheng, the both of them picking at their food as they grew full. Yuta let out a yawn, shortly after he crumpled his trash and threw it onto his tray. He leaned on his hand, watching Sicheng swipe through his phone while he sipped on a strawberry milk carton. Yuta let out a fatigued sigh,"What are you doing after school today?"

Sicheng looked up from his phone screen,"We have a chemistry test tomorrow so I'm just gonna spend the whole day cramming. I don't have time to go to the studio today."

"Absolutely no plans?"

"None. Why?"

"There's a cafe that just opened two miles away from here and I hoped we could go."

"Studying can wait." As Sicheng finished his sentence, Jaehyun tapped the boy's back with his palm and leaned forward towards his ear,"I'm leaving early. Bye, Sicheng."



Yuta and Sicheng walked beside each other down the busy street roads. The sound of cars whirling past and honking made it impossible to get a moment of silence. Yuta pushed the glass door of the building, allowing Sicheng to enter first. Yuta followed the boy into the structure. The cafe walls were painted a tinted pink. White fairy lights hung on the walls and the beams of the ceiling. White book shelves lined the back wall accompanied with mismatched pink and white seating and tables. The  two sat down at a white table with two pink chairs next to the window. Sicheng cupped his own face within his hands, watching Yuta as he gaped at the menu. Yuta suddenly turned his head towards Sicheng,"What do you want?"

Sicheng perked his head up,"Um, what ever's fine." 

Yuta hummed in response before leaving his seat and standing in line. 


After spending over two hours together at the cafe, the duo parted, saying their 'goodbyes' and 'see you laters' and walking opposite directions. Though, instead of heading home, Yuta once again staked outside the convenience store, only having to wait a hour as so much time had been killed at the cafe. 

And once again Jaehyun clocked out and walked the familiar path with the flickering light.

click, click, click

Jaehyun turned the corner as Yuta crossed the street, making him straight behind Jaehyun.  The Korean grew closer to his apartment, the flashing lights making it hard to achieve a decent image. The distance between them grew closer as Jaehyun entered the alleyway. Sudden repetitive footsteps alarmed Jaehyun, only before a quick impact followed by an almost electric shock and burning sensation thrived in his lower left back. Jaehyun turned around as the blade was pulled out and caught a glance at Yuta,"It was you who killed Kun, wasn't it?"

Yuta smirked at Jaehyun who was applying pressure to his back as blood continued to seep from his body. At this moment, Yuta grew closer to Jaehyun. Only a distance of two feet kept them apart. He twirled the box cutter in his fingers, shortly after throwing a swing. The tip of the blade grazed Jaehyun's shoulder, causing him to hiss out in pain. When Yuta swung the knife, he'd stepped forward, giving Jaehyun the opportunity to move to the side, behind Yuta and attempt to pin him to the floor.

 To Yuta's disadvantage, Jaehyun was considerably stronger than him but, to Jaehyun's disadvantage, Yuta's past in soccer made him faster than Jaehyun. 

The box cutter fell to the cement along with Yuta's body. Jaehyun's hand gripped Yuta's hair, keeping his head tied down to the floor while the rest of his body weighed down on Yuta. The Japanese gritted his teeth as he struggled to resist Jaehyun's hold on him. Due to the burning pain growing in Jaehyun, his hold loosened for a split second. Though it was such a short period of time, Yuta took the moment to push himself up which only resulted in his body turning around. Jaehyun ground his teeth, with a husky and pain-filled tone he told Yuta,"You're a fucking psychopath."

Yuta didn't respond to the statement, only replying with a bright smile. A sudden scrape against the concrete followed Yuta's voice,"And you're a nuisance." He slashed the cutter against Jaehyun's abdomen, causing blood to exude from his mouth. His body fell on top of Yuta's. His eyes remained open as his body became paralyzed and heavy. Yuta pushed Jaehyun's body off of his and looked around, making sure there were no witnesses. He wiped the cutter clean with his shirt and let out a relieved sigh. He walked away from the alley, knowing of the news he would hear in the morning.


"No, no, no, no, no, no, please." It was déjà vu. Sicheng watched helplessly as Jaehyun's body lay on a stretcher, covered with a white cloth stained with blotches of crimson. He watched once again as the CSI and forensic teams observed and photographed the scene. Tears unknowingly streamed down Sicheng's cheeks. He blocked out the sound of everything till he heard Yuta's voice from the distance, calling out to him.

"Sicheng, I heard what happened." Yuta said as he stopped running and quickly embraced the crying boy. Sicheng's cries were rigid as he was practically gasping for oxygen. An officer, coincidentally the same one from last time, walked up to Sicheng, holding that familiar notepad in his hands. At this point, Sicheng had grown to hate that notepad. Seeing it never meant anything good. 

The officer wore a surprised look on his face for a quick second as he recognized Sicheng from Kun's murder. Before the officer could get a word out to either of them, Yuta interrupted,"He needs more time before answering your questions."

The officer didn't seem to want to argue. He just silently nodded before leaving the two. Yuta stroked Sicheng's head, continuing to comfort him with an utmost care. His arm tightened around the Chinese's waist. Sicheng gripped onto Yuta's shirt, as if he was a scared child. Yuta watched as Jaehyun's mother rushed out of her car,"Where is he? Where's my baby!?"

She pushed her way past the officers into the back of the ambulance and all the could be heard next was the sound of the wind resistance against the cloth and her horrified scream. And while this action played out, Yuta's face remained apathetic.


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