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"An occurrence of a student's murder took place while he was supposedly on his way home from a daytime job. The --------- High school student was identified as XX year old Jung Jaehyun. While, the incident and body were found in a completely different place, police believe the murder may be connected to the murder of a Chinese exchange student which occurred two months ago. There have been no known eyewitnesses and no one seems to have a clue as to who is behind these acts of murder. "


It was absolutely terrifying. The fact that Sicheng had to go to school and see eyes of pity; even disgust? The fact that he had to stand next to Jaehyun's locker, which now already had notes, cards and even flowers taped to it, when he went to achieve his books. Jaehyun's mother wouldn't even allow Sicheng to attend the wake not the funeral when it would occur. She believed Sicheng had some type of "curse" that caused people around him to dance with death. Is that what Sicheng was? A curse that caused his friends to die painful deaths?

After the police department had examined the body, they concluded that Jaehyun and Kun's cases were most likely connected as the way both boys were stabbed was eerily similar. This lead to rumors circulating around the school.

"I heard the killer is a student here."

"Jaehyun was rude to everyone except that Chinese student. He had it coming."

"Ugh, I was gonna ask for his number. He seemed like the type that'd often have one-night stands."

"Everyone who has been dying recently is friends with Sicheng. I bet he's the cause of their death."

"These deaths only started to happen when that Japanese kid became friends with Sicheng. I told you he's weird."

"I bet it's some freak outside of school killing them. Plus, none of the deaths occurred in school. Why should we believe the killer goes to our school? The police interrogated everyone and everyone had an alibi."

Taeil rushed down the hall, bumping shoulders with several students he passed. He was wearing a black hoodie and jeans which hugged his figure perfectly. His hair messily styled to the side and white Adidas on his feet. His sneakers skidded against the tile, stopping in front of Sicheng. Sicheng looked at the older and almost immediately broke. His lip quivered as his eyes started to water. Taeil hugged him, his hand set on the back of Sicheng's neck,"I'm sorry for not being there last night."

Yuta walked down the hall with his hand clutched around the single backpack strap slung around his shoulder. His hair and dark green wind breaker hoodie covered his face as he navigated through the crowds of students. His nails instantly dug into the backpack strip upon seeing Sicheng embraced in Taeil's arms. He walked closer to the two, trying to ignore the growing aggravation inside of him. He unlocked his locker, messily throwing in his backpack and slamming it close. Both Taeil and Sicheng's heads perked up at this action. Yuta turned his glare towards Taeil,"What gives you the right to comfort Sicheng like that? You weren't there for him when he needed someone."

Sicheng tried to intervened,"Yuta-"

Taeil interrupted,"It's fine, Sicheng."

Yuta turned around, heading into the men's bathroom, Taeil following seconds after.

The older male pushed the door open. He walked in, looking for Yuta who revealed to be standing behind the door as it shut closed,"It was you who murdered them, wasn't it?"

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