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Yuta picked at his own food without realizing the Chinese who was approaching him. The sudden sound emitted from the contact of Sicheng's tray and the table appeared to make Yuta become slightly startled.

"You realize you could sit over there with me now, right?" Sicheng asked the other while tilting his head towards the direction of his normal table.

"But, why?"

"We have each other's numbers. That classifies us as friends."

Yuta peeked up at Sicheng's eyes. Just his gaze drove him crazy.

"I'm used to sitting here. And I think it'll be-"

Sicheng interrupted in English with his Chinese accent peeking through the speech,"No."

He forced Yuta to stand up, pushing him from behind towards the table. After Sicheng set his own tray down, he forced Yuta down by pushing the boy by his shoulders. Sicheng went around the front of the table, sitting himself across from Yuta.

Due to extensive texting between the two over the weekend, Sicheng and Yuta's conversation didn't seem to harbor as much dead air as previously. Sicheng told Yuta about himself, not that it was very crucial as Yuta already knew these things about Sicheng.

Sicheng sighed as he realized the time,"We have gym in forty-five minutes."

Not that Yuta exactly minded it. He faked an annoyed sigh and ran his finger through his hair.
He then let his curiosity peek through at past events. With a almost "uninterested-sounding" tone he asked Sicheng,"Who was the boy who was sitting with you the other day?"

Sicheng perked up his head,"Oh, that was Jaehyun. He's among one of my few friends here. Our schedules overlap often though so it's not irregular for us to not eat together."

Now that Sicheng had mentioned it, there was a few times where Sicheng sat with someone different then he had the previous day,"Who else is in your "friend group" then?"

Sicheng gazed upwards, counting like a child with his fingers every time he said some else's name,"Well besides Jaehyun there's Taeil, Kun, Taeyong, kinda Mark and you?"

"I'm glad... Why aren't they here right now?"

"Well, Taeil is sick, I think, Taeyong usually studies during lunch, I have no idea where Kun is and Mark is a "kinda" because he has another group of friends so the times we hang out are abnormal."

Yuta bit down on his own tongue as Sicheng stated more names than he anticipated. Though five wasn't a lot of friends it, it also is. Everyone that liked Sicheng was what you'd classify as a "enemy" for Yuta. He'd never paid much attention to who the Chinese hung out with. He was obssessed with Sicheng, not them.

Sicheng clapped his hands together, "Now that you asked me something, I get to ask something about you."

Yuta crossed his arms against the table while leaning in,"Ask away."

The Chinese boy hummed as he thought of what to ask his Japanese counterpart. His face light up a number of times after thinking of a question but then disregarding it for another option. "Okay, I know. You're favorite place to be in Seoul?"

Yuta felt a little dumbfounded. He went through all those failed suggestions for that question?

"The park? I mean, I don't know. Am I supposed to say my bed?" Yuta placed his index finger near his lips, giving the illusion that he was thinking hard about the answer,"The cafe that's near that one store that's near the other store, I guess."

"The what-"

The bell cut off Sicheng's question. The pair stacked their trays with the others and headed to gym. After changing into their gym clothes, they headed inside the court where the rest of the class and gym teacher had gathered. Luckily, soccer was chosen for class and to Yuta's advantage, he'd played the sport throughout his younger school years.

like hell i'm writing a soccer scene
nct can't play sports to save their lives

After tripping over nothing into dirt and attempting to dodge the ball as if it was a bullet, Sicheng was finally relieved that gym wax over.
Yes, Sicheng looked chaotic while playing soccer, but Yuta still found it extremely attractive.

Sicheng slid off his shirt in front of his locker, throwing it over the metal door while Yuta practically begged his mind to keep his eyes fixated on his own locker and not to Sicheng's.

Sicheng turned his head to Yuta before slamming the locker shut,"I'm gonna go rinse off really quick."

""Really quick". You never take a short amount of time."

Yuta just nodded in reply. He waited till Sicheng left the room and shoved his fingers through his hair, holding himself from pulling it. He quickly changed after, just figuring he'd rather shower at his apartment then school, and left the locker room, by that time most students already leaving the school building.

Yuta waited outside of the locker room, waiting for Sicheng. It wasn't weird for him to as he had waited for Sicheng many time. Only this time he didn't exactly have to do it in secret. He still stood in a location that Sicheng wouldn't see him from though. It was more creepy then Yuta believed it to be.

After a decent amount of time, he messaged Sicheng, pretending to have gone home.

i had to head home earlier, sorry

Sicheng walked out of locker room after a overbearing amount of time. He clicked the side of his phone, tapping the screen as he began typing shortly after. Yuta felt his phone vibrate in his pocket which was revealed to be a reply from Sicheng.

Sicheng 👁🍬: it's fine, i take long anyways. sorry

Water from his hair dripped onto the back of his shirt as he inserted his airpods into his ears and shoved his phone into his side pocket. He slung his backpack strap over his shoulder and walked down the hall to the exit. Yuta waited about a minute, until he followed after.

He stayed lurking behind Sicheng as he walked home, faintly singing lyrics to what ever song was playing through his airpods.
Yuta watched as Sicheng entered the front door to his house and close it. Yuta pulled his phone out of his pocket and replied to Sicheng.

i hope you made it home safely


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