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Sicheng and Yuta walked alongside each other through the hall,"Yuta, are you okay? You've kind of been acting strange recently."

Yuta's line of sight remained foward,"I'm fine. Maybe I'm just tired from late night crams."

Sicheng flashed a small smile at Yuta, then approached his locker. He twisted the lock, placing certain books in the compartment and removing some.

Yuta leaned against the Chinese's locker,"Where do you want to go for lunch?"

Sicheng closed his locker door, adjusting the brown locks on the top of his head,"Aren't we eating in the cafeteria?"

"I was thinking we could go off campus to eat instead. It'll be fine as long as we return before the bell rings."

Sicheng pressed his finger to his chin in a thoughtful manner,"Hm, Korean food?"

"If you want. Let's take the bus so it'll be faster."

Before Yuta had even completely turned around to begin walking, Sicheng tugged at his shoulder. The Chinese boy squinted his eyes in a "hesitant" gesture,"Uh, is it okay if Taeil and Taeyong come with us? Taeyong's kind of always bus-"

"Sure," Yuta interrupted, heavily wanting to say 'no'.

Sicheng cheekily smiled, quickly jogging down the halls after telling Yuta,"I'll be right back."

Once Sicheng disappeared in the crowd of students, he let out an annoyed sigh as his tongue moved against his cheek in jealousy. This way his plan to be with Sicheng alone so, why did someone like Taeil or this 'Taeyong' Sicheng mentioned, have to tag along?

Sicheng returned minutes later, holding both boys by their arm in his own hands,"I'm back. Yuta this is Taeyo-"

"It's you." Yuta stated when he realized 'Taeyong' was the same black-haired kid in chemistry who had told him to "be more careful with his books".

Taeyong replied with,"It's nice to see you again."

Sicheng's eyes wandered like a puppy's between the two,"You two know each other?"

Yuta answered in a careless tone,"We're in the same chemistry class."

"Great, that'll make things less awkward."

The group of four headed out of the school out the school for a hour in which Yuta didn't take his piercing gaze off of Taeil.


After reaching a fast food joint only a mile away from the school, the group of four entered the building and seated themselves. Taeil seated himself aside the window, Sicheng beside him while Taeyong and Yuta were seated on the opposite side.  Yuta leaned on his palm, catching glances at Sicheng as he playfully pushed Taeil. His gaze drifted when he noticed the pair holding hands as they played.  Yuta slammed his hands down as he got up from the booth,"I'll go order. What do you b- guys want?"


"Pork belly."


Yuta waited in line, scratching the back of his head in annoyance. Taeil's and Taeyong's presence was no more than a hindrance to Yuta, nevertheless, he clearly found them to be a nuisance.

Yuta moved up to the front of the line as the person infront of him moved aside. He leaned back, telling the cashier "what-ever-the-hell" Taeil and Taeyong wanted and what Sicheng requested.

Minutes pasted before Yuta returned to the table with a red tray covered with wrapped food. Noticing Sicheng and Taeil's hand were still gripped onto each other's, Yuta placed his hand in the middle of the pair's "accidentally" forcing them to split as he placed the tray in the center of the table.

As the four ate, Yuta sat quietly, watching their conversation unfold with unamusement at how that afternoon went.


Taeil's arm hung over Sicheng's shoulder as they returned to the school building minutes before the bell rung. Taeyong walked few inches behind Yuta, his hands placed his front of him as he walked,"Thank you for paying for all of us. I'm pretty sure it was Sicheng's idea to invite us. Not you."

"It's nothing."

Taeyong leaned his head towards Yuta,"Sicheng's cute, isn't he?"

Yuta gazed up from his phone and looked straight to Taeyong.

"I met him at a grocery store, actually. Mainly due to the fact that he wanted ice cream but was a few dollars short. I didn't think I'd see him again but I later found out we both attended this school."

Yuta didn't pay much attention to the story as he did to Taeyong's first statement,"He's cute?"

Taeyong turned his head towards the Japanese,"You don't agree?"

Yuta softly bit on his tongue and shook his head at Taeyong,"Nevermind," and looked back to his phone screen. 


Yuta dug his hands into his jean pockets as he watched Sicheng empty his locker, preparing to leave. As the two's eyes met, in unison they smiled at each other. Sicheng closed his locker and slung his backpack over his left shoulder while his counterpart began to walk down the hall. They stood shoulder to shoulder walking as other students were either leaving or heading to their after school clubs.

Sicheng abruptly stopped walking,"Yuta, are you mad at me?"

Yuta stared at the boy with a slight curiosity in his eyes,"No, why?"

"Well, you were quiet at lunch so I assumed I did something that got you annoyed. Are you mad that I brought Taeil and Taeyong without asking you?"

"I'm mad that they were brought along in the first place." "No."

Sicheng cutely smiled at Yuta; a feeling of relief washed over him. He crossed his arm within Yuta's which silently made the Japanese fluster. He dug his hand his pocket as his phone buzzed, causing Yuta to attempt to catch a glance at the text which failed as the contact name and messages were all written in Mandarin.

Yuta faked an uninterested tone,"Who're you texting?"

Sicheng replied,"One of my friends, Kun. I'm supposed to met him right now if you want to-"

An excuse to remain with Sicheng longer? "Sure. I have nothing better to do."

Sicheng softly hopped in excitement,"You'll like him, trust me."

"I'm sure I will," Yuta replied at the overly hyped boy.

Sicheng suddenly wore a slightly serious facial expression that made him seem soft and serious at the same time,"Just promise me you won't make it weird or awkward."

Yuta leaned forward in curiosity at Sicheng's statement,"Why and how could I?"

Sicheng placed his finger against his chin,"Oh, you didn't know? I thought everyone at school would."

"Know what?"

"Kun's my ex."


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