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Sicheng clicked through Netflix selections, hoping to find something to cure his "chronic" boredom. He stood up from his place on the couch, digging his fists into his gray hoodie pocket as he walked to the kitchen. He opened the fridge, scanning it for anything to quince his thirst or to satisfy his on coming hunger.
After filling up a glass cup with ice and water, the Chinese boy answered his phone which was now ringing,"Hello? Jaehyun, what is-"

"Kun's dead."

Upon hearing those two words, Sicheng's world blurred out. His grip on the glass cup loosened, causing it to shatter as it hit the ground. His hearing muffled anything else that Jaehyun said through the phone.

"It's just a nightmare you'll wake up from any second now. It's just a nightmare. It's just a nightmare. It's just-" It was a nightmare. A real one that you couldn't wake up from.

Sicheng squatted down. He hugged his knees as his head hung down, thinking back to what had only happened a couple hours ago. The kiss, the light push on Kun's chest, the faked smile and ''it's okay''. Was that really the last thing, action, expression and thing he'd ever said to Kun? Was the look of self-disappointment plastered on Kun's faced the last expression he'd ever see? The painful answer to that question was: Yes.


Sicheng arrived at the scene which Jaehyun gave him directions to. Both boys hugged each other upon greeting. Jaehyun rubbed circles into Sicheng's back as he silently cried into Jaehyun's collar. The two watched as their friend's body, covered with a white blanket, was carried out on a stretcher and pushed into a ambulance where he'd later be put into a body bag like a piece of garbage.

Everything moved slower. The flashing of the police cars and ambulance and their sirens, the cars passing by, the people that had stopped walking out of curiosity. He hated this.

A police officer walked over to Sicheng and Jaehyun with a notepad in his hands. He flipped the first pages of the notepad,"Was he your friend?"

Sicheng nodded while Jaehyun replied with,"Yes."

"I'm sorry about what happened. Uh- He had no student ID card with him or any type of identification and from the looks of it his parents seem out of reach. Do you happen to know where his parents whereabouts?"

Sicheng sniffled, every word that came out of his mouth was forced as it was almost a struggle to breathe,"Um, his name is Qian Kun. He was a foreign exchange student at our school which his why his parents aren't here. They're in China, where Kun lived."

The officer tapped his pen on the paper,"Thank you. Do you have any idea where 'Kun' was before the incident occurred or were you with him recently?"

Sicheng grabbed the collar of his hoodie, even having this conversation seemed like nothing he'd ever thought to experience as every word he said stung his throat,"I saw him eariler today when we were supposed to meet up because he was supposed to show me a studio. Something happened when we were there though and I left early because of it while he stayed there."

"What was the something that forced you to leave early?"

Sicheng glanced at Jaehyun which signaled him to leave for a minute. And so Sicheng told the officer about his reasoning to leaving.

"Besides you and Kun, was there anyone present at the residence whenthis happened?"

"My other friend from school, Yuta, was there but he left eariler than both me and Kun."

"What was the relationship between Kun and Yuta?"

"They only met earlier- Are you saying you suspect him?"

"When murder there's a and no suspects you first have to suspect everyone around that person. Whether it was a hate crime or simply manslaughter."

Murder. That word echoed through Sicheng's head. Murder is the act of taking someone else's life away. Kun was murdered. He was killed mercilessly all for nothing. His life was taken away, all for what?

"Oh, I see."

The officer flipped the page once more,"What was your relationship with Kun?"

"He's been my friend since the beginning of high school. We dated for about six months freshmen year then broke up and remained friends afterwards. The relationship was nothing really special to me and I didn't think much of it."

"I see. Thank you and, once again, I'm sorry." The officer then walked away, and locked himself in his car, driving off minutes later.

Sicheng squatted on the floor, sitting there until everything had left. There was no longer red and blue lights flashing over the scene. There was no longer forensic teams and investigators taking photos of the scene and analyzing it. There was no longer people lined up on the side of the road wanting to see what occured. All that was left was the yellow tape which guarded the scene.

Jaehyun patted Sicheng's shoulder,"Sicheng, It's two a.m. You should go home now and take school off tomor-"

Sicheng hardly sniffed and wiped his eyes while abruptly standing up. "I'm fine. I don't need to take tomorrow off. I'll see you tomorrow," he said as he walked past Jaehyun.


The following day, was no different. Yet, it seemed so painful. When Sicheng walked through the halls he was met was eyes of pitty as everyone had known the two were close. Taeil, Jaehyun and Taeyong even stuck close to him the entire day which was abnormal.

When he finally met up with Yuta at lunch, the Japanese boy hugged him. "I'm sorry about what happened."

Lunch was irregularly quiet. Everyone seemed to have their eyes fixated or at least glance at Sicheng once. As Sicheng gazed up, his eyes met with Yuta's,"Do you... Do you think Kun was in immense pain when it happened?"

Yuta leaned on his palm,"I don't think so."

Sicheng barely nodded,"I hope not."


Sicheng closed his locker and headed straight towards the door. Yuta caught up behind him, holding onto the younger's shoulder,"You're not gonna wait for me?"

Sicheng exhaled with a small smile on his face,"I'm sorry. I'm just out of it."

"I understand. Uh, where are you headed to?"

"When murder there's a and no suspects you first have to suspect everyone around that person"

Yuta wouldn't. "I'm going to the practice room."


"Yeah, why-"

"I'm coming with you."

"Yuta, you don't have to-"

"Sicheng, like hell I'm letting you walk alone when someone was just murdered and I'm guessing they don't even have a suspect?"

Sicheng sighed, figuring he'd rather have company then be alone,"Okay."

Yuta smiled at Sicheng, hooking his arm around the other's. "I'm over thinking about what the officer said." And Sicheng felt comfortable and happy for once that day because he trusted Yuta and believed he didn't do it.


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