⌜ twelve ⌟

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laying down the sofa, taeyong closed his eyes as he listened to the kids shouting, playing around, and just breaking things. fortunately for the kids, taeyong was too busy thinking of something else to even pay attention to them.

his lips..❞ taeyong mumbled, his finger touching his own lips.

pushing taeyong's legs that's taking over half of the sofa, yuta took a seat like a boss he is. it's as if he owned the house. ❝look, that guy doesn't even have the time to be here on a fucking holiday.

hearing a curse word coming out from yuta's mouth made taeyong snap out from his thoughts and kicked the japanese by the side. ❝no cursing inside this house.

aren't you mad?❞ yuta took the older's legs and placed it on his lap. ❝what kind of father is he?

taeyong sighed as he fixed his eyes to the show that's been going on for thirty minutes already without him paying attention. ❝he has a meeting to attend. he's going to be taking over his father's company so expect him to be very busy.

but it's a fuc—

taeyong motioned his fit, ready to kick yuta again, and made the japanese flinch from his place. it was a earninn for him not to curse as the kids are just anywhere at the house. yoon is playing at the living room and would make some crashing sounds, taeho is at the kitchen with a cookbook in hand and not understanding a thing, taehyun is inside their room sleeping and yoon has plans on waking him up by surprise later.

putting taeyong's legs down, yuta showed the older one sweet smile. ❝but it's a holiday.


aren't you worried about anything?❞ yuta furrowed his brows at taeyong who's eyes are at the flat screen as if the show is that interesting.

nope.❞ he was too busy thinking about the kiss to even think about something else.

yuta didn't bother replying anymore. he honestly felt bad for taeyong. it's a holiday yet jaehyun is out there attending a meeting, as what taeyong just said, instead of staying at home or being here with taeyong and help watching over for the kids. if yuta were in taeyong's place, he would get suspicious. jaehyun might be out there drinking, hanging out with friends who aren't good models, or even worst; cheating.

tae—❞ yuta paused when he saw the older touching his lips. he had seen him touching his lips since he arrived here. ❝is your lips bruised?

what?❞ taeyong turned to face yuta, not aware that he's still sliding his fingers on his lips where jaehyun kissed days back.

you've been touching it since a while ago.❞ yuta pointed out.

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