⌜ twenty four ⌟

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taeyong flinched when he heard a voice from behind him. taking his attention away from what he is cooking, he turned around and chuckled at yuta whom had been there since he woke up. ❝no in what? and lower your tone down, jaehyun and the kids are still sleeping.

yuta took steps inside the kitchen and leaned by the counter, just watching taeyong cook for their breakfast since the chef of the house is still deep asleep. ❝no, i'm not letting you accept him.

well, you're not the one making the choice here.❞ taeyong simply said, continuing where he stopped.

taeyong, you're my bestfriend.❞ yuta went to the male and held his arm. ❝i don't want you to get hurt.

he's not going to hurt me.❞ taeyong then pointed the spatula at yuta, pushing him away, and then gave him one sweet smile. ❝he changed.

changed my ass.❞ the japanese clicked his tongue. ❝what if he's just pretending? my beloved hyung, what if he's just doing this on purpose and he will just break your heart in the end?

yuta.❞ the older male groaned and turned to face the babysitter that's trying his very best to convince taeyong not to accept jaehyun. ❝just for once, trust him. give him a chance.

he made you suffer for how many years. how can you just forgive him this easily?❞ yuta mocked a chuckle.

oh?❞ taeyong turned the stove off and went to remove the apron he is wearing. ❝who said it's going to be easy?

but still, yuta didn't like the idea of forgiving jaehyun. he was there when taeyong was struggling. he was there when taeyong cried every night. he was there when taeyong celebrated the kids' birthdays. yuta was always right beside taeyong. where is jaehyun? jaehyun is no where. it was always yuta.

hey, look at me.❞ taeyong understood yuta. he knows that look on his face and yuta wasn't joking when he says that he doesn't support taeyong accepting jaehyun in his life like that. ❝it's going to be okay. if he hurts me then, okay. i'm a strong bean yuta! don't you believe in me?

at least that made yuta laugh. ❝you sound like the triplets.

i'm their papa, you idiot.❞ taeyong rolled his eyes and then gave the spatula to yuta and lend the position in cooking to the japanese.

by the way,❞ yuta also took the apron that taeyong wore a while ago and gladly accepted the spatula. ❝what did you answer when he asked the question?

hmm.❞ tapping a finger on his chin, taeyong squinted his eyes and pretended to be thinking real hard. only to answer what yuta didn't expect for him to answer. ❝nothing.

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