⌜ twenty three ⌟

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five seconds turned to thirty and thirty seconds turned to fifteen minutes. jaehyun decided to wait a little bit longer thinking that maybe taeyong still had some tasks to do and papers to check. by a little bit longer, jaehyun didn't expect himself to wait for almost an hour. he was starting to get impatient but then he had to wait for taeyong. after all, he is trying to change for the better good.

oh, there he is.❞ jaehyun sat up straight on his seat and took hold of the steering wheel as soon as he saw taeyong coming out of the building with a smile on his face. it also made jaehyun smile and forget how upset he was for waiting that long.

but the bouquet taeyong is holding was now seen in jaehyun's sight and another person came out of the building together with taeyong that immediately made jaehyun's blood boil. he could relate himself with the volcanoes that are ready to blow up.

look at them laughing.❞ jaehyun scoffed as he leaned back on his seat and ripped his attention away from them. ❝what is he doing with him?

he didn't want to look again, his mind kept on reminding him not to look but jaehyun was a curious bean and decided to stare again. he wanted to know what they are up to and he could clearly see doyoung guiding taeyong to the parking lot, stopping near to jaehyun's car that's given by mark's father.

okay jaehyun, calm thyself.❞ jaehyun closed his eyes and took a very deep breath. ❝you don't want to get in trouble, do you?

he badly wanted to come out of the car and just take taeyong away from doyoung. they were still talking and seems like taeyong forgot about jaehyun still waiting for him.

fuck this.❞ jaehyun took his phone and dialed taeyong's number. ❝i'm taeyong's man, i have the right to get him.

taeyong laughed when doyoung explained what happened when he followed the small principal to his office. of course, doyoung was scolded for exposing the principal in front of everyone and taeyong can't help but laugh at doyoung when he shared that the principal tried to choke him to death. lucky for him, the principal had a heart and let him go. but he was given a warning that if he shows up again in front of the principal, he'd really die in principal moon's hands.

doyoung pouted as he placed both his hands inside his pocket. ❝do you think i should go visit the flower shop again just to annoy him?

definitely.❞ taeyong nodded his head in agreement. ❝if, that is, you want your life to end.

with this face? i don't think he can kill me.❞ recalling the moment a while ago when he was called inside the principal's office, doyoung couldn't hide the wide smile on his face. ❝he's cute when mad.

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