⌜ nineteen ⌟

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saturday. it was a wonderful saturday, but jaehyun had to wake up so early. not because he was called for a meeting in his father's company, not because he had somekind of activity to attend in school, there was no actual reason. it's fine, at least he can admire the sleeping male more.

he looks uncomfortable.❞ jaehyun brought his hand up and went to brush the older's hair that's covering his forehead.

taeyong may look like he's sleeping peaceful but his position says otherwise. he was curled up like a ball and he was at the verge of falling down the bed. taeyong's bed wasn't like jaehyun which is king sized, neither was taeyong's bed a queen sized. the bed was only enough for two people and the pillow in between them is only getting the space. as much as jaehyun wanted to remove it, he didn't want taeyong to feel more uncomfortable than ever.

the sofa is always available for me.❞ it's taeyong's bed anyways, taeyong's house with some of jaehyun's things and furniture inside. taeyong had the right to take all space in the bed.

smiling, jaehyun decided to get up and do his usual morning routine. he then went out of the room and heaved out a sigh after seeing his things and clothes still inside his bags and suitcase. checking back inside the room, jaehyun saw that taeyong's closet isn't that large so there's no way jaehyun can put his clothes there. maybe it'll just stay inside the bag for the meantime. jaehyun was about to leave the room but then saw taeyong now changing his position. seeing him now having his arms stretched on the bed, jaehyun can't help but feel satisfied seeing taeyong being comfortable.

guess i do have to take the sofa.❞ jaehyun said before going out and silently closing the door as he didn't want to wake taeyong up.

making his was to the sofa, jaehyun flopped himself down and couldn't believe how big he is for the sofa. how on earth is he going to have a proper sleep? no, he has to force himself to this. it's either taeyong getting uncomfortable or him getting uncomfortable. and there's no way jaehyun going to make taeyong have a hard time having a proper sleep.

how hard can this be?❞ jaehyun positioned himself down the sofa and closed his eyes, waiting for sleep to take over him once again. second then turned to minutes and jaehyun couldn't feel himself dozing off. ❝this is so hard.

finding a way to entertain himself, jaehyun took his phone and strolled down to his social media, played some boring games, until a thought came to mind. why not mess wth mark early in the morning? since he wanted to see the canadian's annoyed look on and probably take some screenshots of his morning look, jaehyun video called mark. it took him a good ten minutes before the call was answered and jaehyun snorted after seeing mark's face with his squinted eyes on the screen.

wakey wakey simba.❞ jaehyun said, now finding entertainment.

the canadian groaned and he is still adjusting to the light of his phone. "the fuck do you want jaehyun?"

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