⌜ twenty one ⌟

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one, two..❞ jaehyun widened his eyes as one little bean was missing. ❝where is yoon?

taeho and taehyun looked at each other before shrugging at their daddy's question. it was already time for bed and jaehyun insisted to put the kids to sleep since usually it would be taeyong doing that. right now, jaehyun just wants him to rest since they spent the whole afternoon cleaning up the mess they made outside in cleaning his car. jaehyun was thankful that taeyong was there to help him or there would actually be a possibility that jaehyun is going to destroy the car.

oh magic!❞ taehyun stood up from the bed and walked towards jaehyun to cover his eyes. moments later he removed his small hands from jaehyun's eyes and made a poof sound. ❝yoon gone.

jaehyun raised a brow at taehyun. ❝are you playing with me?

taeho gasped as he saw jaehyun looking all so serious. ❝daddy mad!

taehyun gulped as he flashed his daddy with a sheepish smile. ❝i'm just playing around.

scooting closer to his baby, jaehyun glared at taehyun. ❝playing around?❞ taehyun then fell down from the bed as he kept on walking back from his daddy. jaehyun still kept on leaning towards him, holding back the will to laugh at how scared taehyun looked. ❝so you like to play around?

no— daddy!❞ taehyun burst out laughing when jaehyun showered him with kisses on the neck and he could also feel jaehyun's fingers tickling him from his sides. ❝it tickles!

taeho laughed at the sight of his brother suffering from his daddy that's tickling him. laughing too hard to the that he choked on air. while he was a coughing mess, he noticed a white figure getting inside the room and could then feel himself losing air. he was pointing at the white figure while trying to speak as he was still coughing.

g-ghost!❞ taeho crawled at the edge of the bed and hugged his legs as he watched the white figure coming close to them.

getting their attention, jaehyun stopped tickling taehyun and followed his eyes to where taeho is pointing. taehyun too followed to where the ghost is and joined his brother at the edge of the bed. meanwhile, jaehyun could only laugh at the baby ghost coming to them.

yoon?❞ jaehyun stood up from the bed and crouched down in front of the white figure that scared both taehyun and taeho.

yoon? no.❞ the ghost said as it shook its head as a no. with its hands raised infront, the ghost faced jaehyun and walked closer to him. ❝boo!

daddy! the ghost is going to hurt you!❞ taeho shouted, wanting to pull jaehyun away from the ghost but was scared to do so.

taehyun clung to taeho and snuggled closer to his brother as he was visibly shaking. ❝ghost go away!

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