Fun times

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Well I toned the drama down until the next chapter but this should be funny to read. Comments are appreciated. Votes are Valued and Phan is forever..!! ~Dii~

"Dan no!"

Phil grabbed Dans arm. He couldn't watch Dan be taken away by the storm. He pulled with all of his might. All he could manage was keeping Dan in the shed. He couldn't pull him to safety.

The others saw Phil struggle with Dan. They knew Phil couldn't hold Dan down for much longer. Pj and Alex grabbed Dan's arm helping Phil pull Dan into the safe room and shutting the hatch. They all took a minute to catch their breath.

Charlie hugged Alex. "That was an awesome thing you did. First finding the saferoom and then helping Dan. Nerimon would be so proud of you." Alex smiled. Then he realized other people were in the space.

He looked around. The space wasn't too little. It was kind of like a mini one room cabin. Plenty of space to layout and chill. Dan and Phil were arguing about water or something. Chris was laughing at Pj being kicked in the head by Dan.

Good. Nobody was paying them any attention. "Well it was nothing really. Anybody could have done it. Nerimon probably would have blew the storm away." said Alex as-a-matter-of-factly. They sat down.Charlie sat with his legs extended and his back to the wall. Alex leaned back on Charlie's shoulder, making himself comfortable.

He loved that Charlie approved him. Everytime Charlie smiled he felt a little better inside. Being around Charlie made him feel complete. He was supposed to feel like that because Charlie was cool.. right?

"Nah. Digimon aren't that powerful." Charlie countered.

"Care to test that theory Short guy?" Alex challenged.

Chalrlie smiled as he pulled out their DSes.


On the other side of the room.


"Dan the pipe is leaking."

Phil interrupted Dan's rant on how water has come alive and is physically attaching itself to him. "What?" Dan asked confused.

Phil pointed up to the water pipe above Dan just as a drop hit his already wet shoulder. "Great, it would be me to sit by the busted water pipe." Dan moved over and reached into his bag for his malt traders. "Dan I think you are paranoid." Phil chuckled.

"Phil do you want to play Mario Kart with us?" Pj asked. "Sure!" Phil said pulling his game out. He turned it on, pulled his stylus out, and was about to choose his character when remembered the brown eyed boy beside him.

"Oh no guys I will sit out of this one and talk to Dan." He closed his game and looked at Dan who had his DS out. Dan looked up at Phil. "Aw Phil well aren't you amazing? You can help me beat the jabbercakes out of them." Phil looked confused and slightly embarrassed. "I don't think he's in a talking mood." Chris added trying not to laugh.

The four played together laughing and arguing. Every now and then they would stop and hysterically laugh at Dan's temper tantrum when he ended up in last place 3 times in a row. Charlie and Alex even joined in the games.

After hours of gaming they decided to get their sleeping bags out to get comfortable. Chris looked around through his stuff. "Oh I forgot my sleeping bag. What am I going to do?" He pouted looking at Pj.

"I might have a little roo-"

"Oh thank you!" Chris hugged tightly with smirk on his face.

Dan rolled his sleeping bag out. He moved his bag to make it into a makeshift pillow. That's when he saw an extra sleeping bag jammed behind his and Phil's stuff. He began to pull it out when Chris yelled out."Hey guys." Everyone looked up at him.

"There's no bathroom in here."

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