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Dan lit a lantern he found in the corner and put it in the middle of the floor. All of the other boys sat around it letting its golden color illuminate each of their faces.

Pj decided to start a conversation. "So what were you doing while we were..."

"Cuddling?" Charlie helped.

"No.. while we were.."

"Snuggling?" Phil said with a smile while holding his stuffed lion close.

"Kissing?" said Alex making kissy faces at them.

"Snogging." Dan said moving his eyebrows up and down with a cheeky smile.

"SLEEPING..!!" Pj said a little harsher than he'd intended to. "What were you guys doing while we were sleeping?" He reiterated calmer than before.

"Phil and I discovered a hidden tunnel and this pretty gem." Dan said holding up the shining ruby heart. "I think it was cursed or something." He continued nonchalantly but it was easy to tell there was something he was hiding, but no one dared to ask about it.

"What kind of curse was it? Were there any booby traps or killer obstacles?" Pj asked feeling excited and yet jealous.

Dan thought to himself. This would be the perfect opportunity to show how he is brave and heroic and cool enough to hang out with. Or at least lie about how brave, heroic, and cool he is. Either way he could make a good first impression. Morals could always wait.

"Nope, nothing.. Just picked it up and left.. Walking.. On two feet." Phil replied quickly crushing Dan's dreams without realizing. He smiled in Dan's direction. "Right Dan?" Dan half smiled back and nodded.

"Oh well that's good.. I suppose." Pj said a little disappointed. He looked at Charlie and Alex. "How about you guys?"

Charlie looked at Alex and Alex looked at Charlie. Then they both looked at Alex's feet.

Wait was he only wearing one shoe? Dan thought.

What happened to the other? Chris wandered.

Was there even an other? Phil questioned.

Who really walks around with one shoe on? Pj pondered.

Charlie saw everyones questioning glares and Alex's reddening faces so he started talking. "We found this room that was a trap. At first we heard 'You must survive, then the walls started to close in and sharp spears started to fly everywhere. We looked back and the entrance was gone so we just started running, jumping ducking and dodging until we got to the other side where an exit opened and we nearly escaped with our lives.. and Alex's shoe."

Everybody was in awe. They started asking all types of questions about their heroic escape. Except Dan.

'That's supposed to be me making up a ridiculous story like I was a hero and be seen as cool and awesome. But nooooo The Coolness known as Charlie had to get the spotlight. Closing walls and spears pshhhh. Yea right.' Dan silently sat there and listened to the rest of them.

Once the Q/A died down, Everyone went back to their duvets. Charlie offered his to Pj who graciously accepted to Chris' dismay.

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