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I am really hoping you are enjoying this as much as I am!! Comments are appreciated. Votes are Valued and Phan is forever..!! ~Dii~

"Should we pack games?" Alex asked. "We might get bored." He looked around fumbling with some dry food.

Charlie rolled up some duvets and placed them neatly in the bags. "Sure, the DS doesnt take too much space. Do you see the first aid kit?" Charlie checked the bathroom.

"No, I looked for it, but didn't see it anywhere so I thought you already packed it." Alex replied a little worried. "Nooooo. I don't know where it is." They looked all around the dorm. They practically tore the place apart trying to find it. But never did it show up.

Charlie saw worry building up on Alex's face. Charlie went over to where he sat on the floor and put his arms around him comfortingly. "It's ok Alex. Nerimon and I are here. We can find a first aid box somewhere." Charlie whispered soothingly. "Everything is alright it's not the end of the world." Alex calmed down a bit and leaned on Charlie. He was right, the world wasn't going to end.

"Charlie, Alex, are you in there?" Phil shouted while knocking on the door. They looked up, Charlie quickly stood up feeling a bit.... weird having to end that moment. He opened the door to find Phil and a friend holding bags and two others behind them.

"Hi Phil what's up?"

"Me and my mate Dan wanted to see if you guys needed any extra supplies."

"You would happen to have a first aid kit in there would you?"

Phil smiled. "I actually put three of them together to create the SUPER AMAZING aid kit of destiny."

Charlie looked back at Alex who sat at the same spot pretending to look in his bag. "See, nothing to worry about." He turned his attention back to Phil. "Thank you Phil, this is alot more than I could ask for. You are so amazing." 'Well that makes it official.' Dan thought, watching the scene. 'If Cool Charlie says Phil is amazing then it's law. Phil is amazing.'

In that instance, the hallway lights started blinking red. A siren blared all over the campus and the TV flashed one word over and over again.


Panic stressing over these six individuals, they shuffled around getting ready to go to the emergency safe house. Charlie and Alex quickly stuffed the first aid box into the bags, along with the few items left on the bed. Chris and Pj raced back to their room grabbing extra food, a duvet, and Pj's guitar. Dan and Phil went into Phil's room to grab the rest of the emergency equipment and other personal items he couldn't leave.

They all met up at the stairs going down in a hurry. When they got to basement level, there wasn't even time to catch a puff of oxygen. The hatch to the safe room was closing.

"Nooooo let us in." Chris yelled as he ran towards the hatch trying to stop it from shutting. Pj ran after him barely having time to pull Chris away before the hatch slammed shut. "You could have been crushed in half." Pj yelled.

They looked at the now locked saferoom. The advisors weren't allowed to reopen the hatch until they were given the signal that the coast was clear. What were they going to do now?

"There has to be somewhere else to go." It wasn't hard to detect the desperation in Dan's voice. He just got here and had no idea how to navigate this place or if there are alternate places to hide. He looked around at the others hoping he was the only clueless one. "Well theres no point waiting here. We gotta get moving before the storm gets worse." said Charlie. He opened the door leading outside. "Come on."

With a strong, cool leader intact they headed away from the dorms. It didn't take long for the wind to pick up around them making it gradually harder to walk. The storm was moving fast and fierce.

They passed by two buildings before they found an little, unlocked shed. They quickly shuffled in. Dan looked outside the window with Phil. "This storm is definitely serious business." Dan said softly trying not to show how scared he had become at the dark sky.

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