Cuddling with KicktheStickz

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This was fun to write.. I couldnt not do this. Comments are appreciated. Votes are Valued and Phan is forever..!! ~Dii~

Pj made his way through the thick, overgrown bushes. He was looking for something but didn't know what. The forest he was in was cold and dark. Could it be a Artic jungle? He kept a tight hold of the bag in his arms. He couldn't figure out what it was doing there or why he didn't want to let go but he didn't. It provided him with a little warmth so he could still traveled.

"Pj.. Pj? Are you there?"

He heard Chris' voice faintly but couldn't tell from which direction. He kept on moving, running, ducking and dodging trying to find Chris. He passed by monsters of all kind staring at him. But he didn't care.

"Chris! Where are you? Chris! I'm coming!!"

He ran until he entered a clearing. He saw a beautiful waterfall cascading into a half frozen pond. He got closer and saw at the edge of the water half of a coconut filled with the sparkling blue water of the pond. Without thinking, he reached down, grabbed the bowl and put it to his lips. He braced himself for a blast of cool and refreshing water but was not ready for the warmth of the coconut or the sparks of bliss that came from the contact.

He realized that he didn't feel any refreshing water going down his throat. It actually felt like the air was being sucked from and before he could investigate he felt a snake lunge from the bowl into his mouth.

"Ahh! No!" he opened his eyes to find Chris' face inches from his.




Chris wrestled around in the sleeping bag. He couldn't go back to sleep after hearing Charlie and Alex loudly wake up and go through a secret passage way behind a wall. Go through a hidden tunnel in a dark underground basement in the middle of the night? 'No I think I will keep my life.' He mumbled to himself.

He turned to face Pj. He loved the way Pj face became so innocent when he slept. Even when he was awoke, his green eyes were mesmerizing and it was such a chore to not stare. Was he in love with his best friend? He'd never admit it aloud. But he could say he had a growing crush on the brown, curly haired boy.

Chris couldn't really see Pj in the dim candle light. From the little he cold see Pj seemed so content in whatever dream he was in. Chris hoped that Pj was dreaming about him. It was a wild request but not impossible.

Pj's arms suddenly went around Chris' waist. Chris looked up surprised. Was Pj awake? He squinted against the darkness trying to find the brilliant green of Pj's eyes.

"Pj.. Pj are you there?"

The only response he got was an incoherent mumble and a tighter squeeze bringing him closer. Chris heart starts to race. 'Was he awake or sleep? If he was sleep was he really dreaming about me? Maybe I'm getting ahead of mysel-'


His eyes went wide. Pj was dreaming about him! He looked closer at Pj. He seemed distressed. No Chris didn't want him to be distressed while dreaming about him.

Pj started to lean in closer.

Yes! Kiss him! Perfect! That would surely make everything better. He leaned up meeting Pj halfway and pressed against his lips. He was sure that Pj was kissing back. It was so exhilarating! The almost electric shock going through his body and melted his brain. This was better than any of his fantasizing. He deepened the kiss and felt Pj part his lips little by little. Chris eagerly let his tongue slip through, not expecting Pj's reaction.


Pj moved back as far as the sleeping bag would allow. "What the hell man?" he said when he saw Chris blushing. "Were you trying to.... kiss me?"

Chris sighed in relief. He didn't know. "Of course not! I just.. well I was.. thinking we are too close in this sleeping bag and.. its a lot of heat.." PJ agreed and they manuvered around looking for the zipper.

As soon as they found it, the wall behind the boiler opened and out came Charlie, Dan, Alex, and Phil.

"Shh you guys.. dont wake the other two." Charlie warned.

"Looks like they are already woke." Dan replied.

Flashlights beamed on the two as they unzipped the sleeping bag and Pj rolled of the top of Chris.

"Woah! What happened here? Alex asked smiling.

"I didn't do anything.. he was on top of me." Chris countered.

Pj looked back at Chris with an expression of confusion, guilt, and annoyance. Chris made everything better didn't he?

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