Indigence chuckled. "I agree that we have traveled somewhat afield, but it was an interesting detour." Loneshark smiled in agreement. "Our circles of thought didn't take us too far from our subject. We can easily come around and arrive at the scientific principle that began our roundabout discussion."
"What principle?"
"I will demonstrate!" Clint reached up, opened one of the cabinet doors, retrieved an assortment of items, and shakily placed them on the counter.
"Those are odd articles to occupy a kitchen cabinet," the detective observed sardonically.
"Yes," Indigence agreed, smiling. "I brought them in here from my workshop."
"You've never shown me your workshop."
"I'm afraid it's only a mare's nest of wires and jumbled piles of electronic parts."
"There are two outbuildings behind the cabin, Clint."
A shadow of regret passed over the old man's face. "The other building was my son's carpentry shop ans has been locked since his death." Clint paused, looking thoughtful. "No, that's not true. I gave the key to Bolt, so he and his helpers could load the plywood we used to board over Sara, Frank, and Vito's broken windows. I didn't have the heart to go back there while Cale's shop was open."
"I'm sorry, Clint. I didn't mean to remind – "
"Not to worry," Indigence said, recovering. He directed the detective's attention to his display on the counter. "We have here a six-inch nail that's tightly wrapped with closely coiled insulated wire, a battery, and this . . ." Clint paused to hold up a solid, metallic cylinder, ". . . is a permanent magnet I salvaged from an old stereo speaker suffering with a cracked and buzzing cone."
"Not another middle school science project," Loneshark groaned.
Clint ignored Mick's complaint. "I have a small dot of fingernail polish on one end of the magnet to designate its polarity. Now, take the permanent magnet and touch the marked end to the head of the nail." Mick heaved a sigh but obeyed. Naturally, the magnet firmly attached to the nail head. "Pull the magnet away from the nail and feel the resistance." Loneshark complied. "Reattach them." Mick did. "When I touch the stripped ends of the insulated wire around the nail to the battery terminals I turn the nail into an electromagnet that increases the strength of the magnetic attraction. Pull them apart again and feel the stronger resistance." Mick again did as he was instructed and nodded. "We could calculate the increased force of attraction mathematically, but for this rudimentary demonstration there's no need. You could feel the increase?"