their legs, broke free, ran, and leapt into Jasmine's arms. "I saw that bad man on TV try to hurt you," Precious announced and then tightly hugged Miss Jade's neck. The news people were thrilled with the unexpected development. The tiny Miss Tatts released Jasmine's neck, leaned back to look her in the eye, and asked, "Are you okay?"
Jasmine nodded, smiled, and said, "Thanks to Mick."
Precious smiled at Loneshark. She shifted her blazing blue eyes back to Jasmine and whispered loud enough for the whole world to hear, "I like him!"
Miss Jade looked from Precious to Mick and back. She whispered, "I do, too!"
"Precious!" Piercely yelled, breaking through the crowd to reach her daughter. "You know better than to sneak out of the room without me!"
"I found her, Mommie!" Precious announced so adorably that Piercely had to laugh along with the throng.
Jasmine took over, "As long as you're here, Piercely, we may as well make the announcement." The pack's ears perked. "Geek, are you out there?" Miss Jade asked loudly, her eyes scanning the lobby.
"Here," a diminutive voice answered. The press parted to let a nervous Nerdy pass. Geek joined Piercely in the spotlight. Miss Jade introduced the engaged couple to the waiting world and explained about the intended wedding special.
The questions flew at Precious. All were variations on the theme, "Are you excited?"
"Oh, yes! "Precious verified. "The Magic Man is coming!"
Jasmine continued to field questions about the upcoming televised wedding, explaining that she would be Piercely's bride's maid. Precious would act as flower girl, and Bufford Shoeshiner would soon arrive to serve as best man. Miss Jade then shared the prospect that Pinewhittle was about to adopt this soon to be new family into the valley's fold as most welcome, permanent residents.
At Lester's Chicago Pub, Luscious was setting a double shot of bourbon on the bar for the saloon's usual, solitary, afternoon customer. Lush heard the totally unexpected news on the pub's television, immediately picked the glass back up, and drained its contents in one gulp.
"Hey!" the shocked patron yelled.
"It's okay, sir," Lester stepped in, filling another glass and generously announcing, "This one is on the house."
"Oh! Thasssss okay!"
Lester softly placed a supportive arm around Lush's shoulders. Grandmother Tatts shed a sliding tear as she revealed, "My daughter didn't even tell me she was taking Precious out of town, Les, and now they're not coming back!"