Love Allows Forgiveness, Page 239

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"Well," Mick began, "I have plenty of time and . . ." He paused and looked at the room service cart, ". . . Truffles?" Loneshark didn't interrupt as Dweeb and Geek delved into the entire tale.

"Have some more coffee," Piercely kindly offered to Jasmine. She poured another cupful from the carafe room service had delivered.

"Are you feeling better?" Precious asked for the third time with such intense sweetness and concern that Jasmine pulled her into a hug.

"Yes," Miss Jade answered for the first time without a sob in her voice. Releasing Precious, Jasmine spoke to Piercely, "I have never felt so confused . . . and – "



"Welcome to the club."

"What club?" Precious asked, her blue eyes looking puzzled.

Piercely smiled at her daughter, "It's just an expression, Baby."

Precious brightened and quickly asked, "Is it a spression like 'I'm not going to play dress-up-doll for no old man?"

Piercely and Jasmine glanced at each other in swift surprise before Miss Tatts asked her daughter, "Where did you hear that?"

Precious thought before answering, "That's what you told the magic man. You sounded mad."

"I didn't know you heard me say that," Piercely admitted regretfully. "Why didn't you mention this before now?"

"I just membered, Mommie."

"I was wrong about the magic man," Piercely declared to her daughter.

"Is that why you wore his dresses?"

"Yes, Baby, those dresses were good gifts."

"Wasn't Jasmine's dress a good gift? She's so pretty in it!"

Piercely looked at Jasmine; her gaze expressed uncertainty. For the first time since entering Piercely's suite, Jasmine smiled. "And I thought I had problems. Do you have to handle such difficult questions every day?"

"You wouldn't believe . . ." Piercely trailed off with a loving smile at Precious and shook her head kindly.

"Even so . . ." Jasmine began, ". . . sometimes I wish I had."

Miss Tatts laughed. "You still have plenty of time, Jasmine." Turning to Precious, Piercely suggested, "Why don't you go play in the other room?"

Precious sighed. "You and Jasmine want to do grownup talk."

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