"y o u ' r e m i n e !"

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"Bae, it's fucking lingerie. LINGERIE. It's not a swimsuit." Messiah said following Leyalani into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't think you would care, ok?" Leyalani said sitting in a stool on the island

"You realize how this make us look?  It's like I'm just letting my girl walk around in fucking lingerie for the whole world to see. You're mine! You don't belong to anyone else in the world except for me." He lifted her face to see her tearing up. "Lani, I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm sorry." He said kissing her face repeatedly.

"No, Siah. I'm sorry. I should've asked Jordy or May if they had one-- and I didn't--and now I look like a sl--." She said sobbing

"Leyalani. He smashed her lips into hers. "Shhh ok. Let's just go back outside, please. The lingerie is fine for just today and tonight only. He said smirking at her.

"You're such an idiot, what do you mean 'tonight'?" 

He paused for a little bit. "You'll find out tonight." He grabbed her hand and led her outside to see Jamell holding Jordyn over his shoulders about to throw her into the pool.

"JAMELL. PUT ME DOWNNN! RIGHT NOWWW!" She was punching his back repeatedly while Mayana was straddling and talking to Kyrie on the other side of the pool.

"Tell me my name and I'll put you down--and don't say the wrong thing." He said swinging her around. She laughed and said, 


He threw her into the pool making her go in sideways. He jumped in after her and splashed all of the water onto her face. "You owe me Jamell." She said wiping her eyes and slapping him. "I gotchu, Mami." He said flicking his tongue at her and getting out of the pool.


I have never felt this way about any person--ever. Kyrie is just so different. I feel like I've known him for my whole life; even when I just met him a few weeks ago. He's perfect. His personality, his attitude, his body, his eyes, his hair. Everything about him just drives me crazy.

"Boy, you are crazy." I said laughing. "Crazy for you shawty." The feeling of my body on his is just and his voice is just ...whewww. 

"Stop making me blush all the time." 

"Why? I like seeing you smile. I wanna see it for the rest of my life." It's gorgeous and sexy." 

"Can um, can I ask you something, Ky?" I said rubbing his hair.

"Anything. Wassup?" I am so new to this kind of relationships. This question I'm about to ask him seems like instant fatality. 

"Do you wanna be with me forevever?" 

OK so this is where y'all start judging me. My past friendships have been nothing like this. This is beyond compare (she feels like it is too early to use "relationship")

"Until I leave the face of the earth, yes because you. Are. Perfect." He said planting a soft kiss on my cheek.

And here came my waterworks. I started sobbing softly and lied my head on his shoulder.

"Mayana, what's wrong? What did I do? Did I hurt you?" He said observing me.

"No--no. It's just that no one has ever talked about me like you do. It's like I'm your most prized possession. And--"

"Yo, Kyrie. You made Mayana cry?" Jamell said right in front of us. No one even heard him come over to us. 

"No. Melly it's ok. He's just making me emotional." I was sniffling SO hard. Like-- he really feels this way about me?" I looked up at Kyrie's face to see him laughing at me.

young love // jahking x maluWhere stories live. Discover now