who said mariah don't carey?

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"Jamell, I'm pregnant."

He grew his eyes 20 times bigger and jumped out of the bed. "What?" 

"I'm pregnant."

I hate to say this but he was crying to the point where I wanted to laugh dead in his face. Like one of those mouth-open-gasping-for-air-type of cries.

"wHaT aRe We GoInG tO dO, jOrDyN?" He said falling to the floor.

"We'll figure something out but we're going to have to tell our parents sooner than later. My parents won't care and I'll just have to take some money and we'll move away or something." I said trying to get him to calm down.

"MY MOM WILL KILL MEEEEEEEEEE. SHE WILL LITERALLY STAB OR CHOKE ME TO DEATH." Jamell gives off this badboy perception but he's a real softy deep down.

He was acting like Ruby from "On My Block" honestly. "Jamell! Cálmese! (calm down!) Ok? Just keep calm. But until you feel comfortable telling your mom, we have to at least tell your sister and my parents."

"Ok that's fine but I just I'm not ready to tell my ma yet. I don't know how to tell her."

"Just think. She may not be that mad at you. The type of person she is, she may be happy for us. And honestly, I think we should tell her now."

"You can, but I'm not." He passed me his phone and lied back on the bed. He was just about done crying now.

"You're not going to say anything with me? You're in this too." He scootched towards me and I passed his phone back to FaceTime his mom.

As it rang, I felt my heart drop each time.

"Heyyy guys. ¿cómo estás?" She was in the bed, but you can tell she had been woke already.

"Hey, mom we have something to tell you." Jamell said. I could tell by his tone that he was ready to cut to the chase.

"What is it, baby?"

He waited and tears swelled in his eyes. "Jordyn's pregnant." 


"NO WAY! ¡Felicidades!" (Congratulations!)

"What? You're not mad?" I said grabbing the phone from him.

"NO I AM SO HAPPY." She started crying. "I'm having a grandbabyyy. Listen, guys I have to go but we'll talk more when I get back, ok?" She hung up, but I feel like she was still crying. Step One is done, Step Two is coming soon.


"AND IF YOU TOUGH, YOU KNOW WHERE I BE AT AND WHERE I STAY. GIRL DONT PLAY WITH MEEE." I hung up the phone and saw Kyrie standing in front of my door.

"You ok, shorty?" He said laughing.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I walked over to my bed and lied down.

He plopped on my bed next to me and let out a sigh. "I'm bored."

"Do something about it then, Kyrie."

"Whatchu got an attitude for, Mayana?"

"I told you nothing already!"

"Well fix your attitude like ain't nothing is wrong."

"Just leave me aloneeeeee." I turned over to the other side of the bed and he lied behind me and put his hand around my waist. "Moooooooovvvvvvveeeeeeee-ugh, Kyrie."

"Nope. You don't even want me to move away because you just want some attention."

"I don't want any attention from you, boy."

"Yes you do because you dragged yo words. 'mooooovvveee-ugh.' 'leave me aloneeeeee.' You want me to be closer to you." He planted soft kisses on my shoulders and neck, holding me tighter.


The kisses were starting to feel different after a little bit. Like--rougher and wetter. After a minute, I faced him and started kissing his lips. Seemed like I was floating in the sky.


OKAYYY--it happened. I felt Messiah and I were ready. We've been lying here for like 10 minutes now. His chest is just so warm and soft that I don't ever want to move away.I wanted to see if he was sleeping th-- "What hurts most about having a vajay-jay?" 

So, he's not sleep then.

"What the he-- What Messiah?"

"I'm serious."

"I don't knowww. This is weird. Why?"

"Because. Now that i've been in one, I wanna know more about one." Messiah is just so adorable...but he can make things awkward.

"Umm, I don't know. Cramps for me, but for other women it could be childbirth."

"Oh. Well, you better get ready for more pain in the future because we gonna be having kids."

HA. Funny. He wants kids. "Who? I'm not having NOOO babies."

He looked down at me. "That's funny, Lani but we'll see." He said kissing my forehead.

I'mma marry a comedian, huh?

OKEY-DONKIES I ASK Y'ALL QUESTIONS AND Y'ALL DON'T ANSWER which hurt my feelings BUT STILL I hope y'all liked this chapter I still love y'all sm <<33 And ik this was trash :(

BUT what do y'all think Jordy and Melly gonna do?

Is Siah serious?

Is Lani gonna agree?

What is Ky and Yana doing??

AND will Malaysia still catch Yana's hands?

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