standing .

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I woke up and Kyrie was already gone. I hate his damn job. I can barely see him anymore. I went into our kitchen and grabbed my pineapples and pickle juice. My stomach was jumping and moving and jumping.

I am sooooo ready to meet my babygirl. Just about three more months --and I still need a name for her. We definitely want something with both of our names in it. Like "Kyana" or "Myra" or something like that. For now, her nickname is just badass

Incoming FaceTime call from
jah jah 💀🖤

"Wassup jah?" I said rubbing my stomach in circles. Jah is the badass' godfather.

"I didn't call for you, put my granddaughter in the cam." All I could see was his honey blonde and black hair.

"Well negro, this is MY phone."

"Whatever. How you been babygirl?"

"I been hanging in there. I'm waiting to meet her. She been kicking like I'm going into labor. And all she like is damn pineapples and pickle juice."

"Do they hurt?"

"YESSS— see she doing it now." I said moaning in pain.

"I wish I was there to help you. You packed to come down?" Jah got me a gig as a maternity model and I'm going down there with him for two weeks.

"Yeah. I'm so excited . You talk to Jocelyn tho? Is she still coming?" Jocelyn was a friend of Jah's and her and I had been texting.

"Yep. It's all ready. Yo flight leave in three days at six a.m. so be ready and don't miss it jit."

"YES I KNOWWW. UGHHH see how she doing me? It's only when I just wake up."

"Lemme talk to her." I put the phone to my stomach for her to hear him.

"Hey lil mama. It's me your goddaddy. Imma have to ask you to give mommy a break. You giving her a hard time." She ain't finna listen.

"Ok? Goddaddy love youuu." He made some smooch noises and groaned.

"Whats wrong with you?? You don't have a 5 pound child sitting in your vagina."

"Im hungry. And ion even have a vagina jit."

"Well duh." I said sighing."I'll call you later. I'm about to take a bath so she can calm down."

"Ight if you forget, we fighting in about three months jit."

"Okokok. Love you."

"Love you too babygirl."

I waddled myself onto the bathroom. I had to pee AND she is still kicking. Why I let Kyrie do this to me?


"Bae, why are we here and May isn't?" Why is Kayla in her room?" After we left the hospital, I moved in with Melly. It was hard for me to leave his side for a while.

"You know mami don't want her around. She feels what happened to her needs to happen to Mayana. Just like how she got pregnant in her junior year. And Kayla is my 'stepsister' so she lives here."

"That just ain't right to me. Anyways I'm about to go run some errands. You need—"

"What are these 'errands' yo? You always gone."

I couldn't tell him just yet so I stretched the truth a little bit. "I'm going to see Lani. Now, do you need anything?" He nodded his head no.

I started for the door. "Where my kiss, first?" He said grabbing my waist. I smirked at him and kissed his lips. We still standing strong. But I had to lie to him. Like ion wanna have to but I do. I was going to catch a play and THEN go see Lani.


I hate this damn job, man. It's keeping me from my girl and my baby. It's good money; enough for us to keep our condo, eat, buy clothes and stuff. But it's just too time-consuming.

I work as a celebrity limo driver. Like why can't they keep they selves in one place? Since I just dropped PnB off at the studio, I had some time to FaceTime Mayana.

"Hello?" she said yawning.

"Wassup shawty? Whatchu doing?" She had her hair in a bun and looked like she was naked or something.

"I'm taking a bath so she can calm down. She been kicking me so hard."

"It's ight. You only have—"

"THREE MONTHS. I know. This need to go by fast."

"I know. When I get back imma bring you a surprise."

"Awww thank you baby. I love you." 

"I love you too. I'll be there in like an hour."


I didn't even know what her surprise was I just wanted to get her something.

FINALLY! what yawl think? big plot twist? (the other characters will be in next chapter) I like it 🥴.

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