jelly beans 🌈

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A few days had passed and the group was finally able to visit Jordyn and Messiah. Only Mami, Leyalani and Jamell were allowed to sleep at the hospital if they wanted.

"No call from my parents yet?" Jordyn asked the nurse, looking miserable. You can see the pain from under her brown eyes.

The nurse shook her head and left the room.  "It's ok Jordyn. We gotchu girl just don't worry. That's some bullsh*t. Who just doesn't come see their child?" Mayana said pacing.


"My parents. They think they can just give me money and i can be happier. I hate them. Pass me my phone." I had an idea that will eventually make them come around.

"How's Siah doing, May. Is he good?"

"He is alright but he has to wear his brace for about a year and that means he absolutely has to be in a wheelchair. Crutches would've been optional but it could make him break his back." Mayana said.

"My poor brother. I'm gonna call his phone."


Incoming call from
j. moneybagz 💸💛


"Hi, brother." Jordyn said over the phone. "Are you ok?"

"I'm straight, sis. I'm glad we both made it." There was a brief pause. "I'm sorry about the baby. That's the worst part about all of this."

Damn. Her almost wanna say my pregnancy was so short, I forgot she was pregnant once upon a time. A little baby. Gone. This is war.

Somebody has to die next.

"It's ok. I know he or she is in heaven now." She said. I can tell that she was holding back her tears.

i made the chapter short so there can be more to give. BUTTT do yawl want a fast forward because they're gone be in the hospital for a minute 💀

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