QDoba 😛

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It had been a day since the shooting and barely anyone left. There were still reporters flooded at the doors. This was a nightmare.


It was a long day today. People crying, losing family. The news said 14 people were killed, 23 injured.

I couldn't do anything. Mami already snapped on a security guard calling him a lazy b*tch and telling him to do his job. That almost got her kicked out.

Lani was sleep on my shoulder from crying all night. I barely got any sleep. Melly was pacing nonstop. Kyrie went to go get us all some food from QDoba, and Mami and Siah's bum *ss mama were talking on the other side of the room.

A detective was at the door, showing the guard his badge and talking. After a minute, he walked over towards me.

"Excuse me, miss. Are you Leyalani?" I shook my head no and pointed to Lani.

"Do you think you could wake her so I can take her down to the station for questioning?"

"I honestly don't think I should. She has had a rough night. We all have."

He nodded his head yes and reached in his coat pocket and handed me a business card. "Completely understandable. Well, whenever she wakes, please have her give me a call."


I had to fall asleep not long after the detective left because ion remember nothing else. When I woke up, I remember smelling grilled chicken, and salsa, and tart limes.

"Hey, baby. I got you a burrito bowl with chips and extra sour cream." Kyrie said kissing my forehead. I saw that Lani was woke and eating. Her eyes were red and her hair was a mess.

"Bae, where's Melly?" He was nowhere to be seen anywhere throughout the waiting room. Mami and Siah's mom was STILL in the same spot, but they were both sleeping.

"He went to smoke a blunt. He needs it." I walked over to Lani, who was now across from me. "Hey, babygirl. Um, the police department wants you to call them for questioning." She looked up at me with large eyes and started shaking her hand and finishing off her food.

"No, no. There's nothing they can do. He's dead. I'm not--"

"Lani. I'm going with you. They have to do something about that--scratch that, they will. But we have to call in order to go." I said grabbing her hand.

"Ok, but eat your food first."

"I'll take it with me. But here." I said passing her the card. "He wants you to call him." She pulled out her phone and walked outside.

"Umm, Ky. In a little bit, I'm taking Lani to the department, so lemme have the keys." He handed me the keys as I walked towards the bathroom.


"I can be there soon. Ok, thanks." I finished up my phone call and turned to see Melly across the street, on a bench smoking.

I walked over to him and sat down next to him. I just started breaking down. "I'm so sorry, brother. You don't deserve this."

He looked at me and wrapped his arms around me. "It's not just me. It's you too. You definitely didn't deserve what Shawn did to you. If you told us, we would've KILLED him. This isn't the end. It's something we can do to get justice."

We stood up and hugged again. I kissed him on the cheek. "You're the best brother I have. And I love you."

"I love you too. And your my favorite fake sister."

I chuckled and wiped my face on my shirt. "Umm, I'm going to the police department with Mayana and we were probably gonna stop by the house to get cleaned and stuff. You need anything?"

"Nah, I'll just go to the house later. But thanks."

"Alright." I said running across the street towards the hospital. I had to push my way through the annoying crowd of reporters, almost getting elbowed. I let the guard know that I would be back so he let me in.

"You ready, Mayana?"

"Yeah. And we're gonna stop at the house to wash up and stuff. Bae do you need something?"

"Nah, we'll go afterwards. Y'all be safe." Kyrie said kissing Mayana.

We both nodded our head and started walking towards the doors.

At the Police Department's Interrogation Room...

"Hello, ladies. To start off, I just want to start of by giving my forgiveness. These last 24 hours or so have probably been a living hell. No one deserves anything like this."

We nodded our heads and held hands.

"So Leyalani. We understand that you were sexually assaulted by the perpetrator of the shooting before the incident, is that correct?"

"Yes. But how do you guys know?" Mayana said stuffing her mouth with food.

"He left a note to his family before he left to go to the school telling everything that happened. That is a written confession from him. We even checked past documents and proved that's his writing."

"Listen, what can I do to get justice for me, my boyfriend, my best friend and her child?"

"What do you mean? Are they victims?"

"My best friend's baby is a victim. She was two months pregnant and the baby was killed. My boyfriend was shot in the chest and leg. Is there a way I can do something for compensation or anything?"

"Jesus Christ--the best thing for you that I can think of is that you get the right lawyer to represent you all, and you can press charges and put a lawsuit on his family, and maybe the school."

"Can you tell us a good lawyer?"

"I can try my best. I want you ladies to know that this is my biggest case and whatever you guys need, I am certainly available to help. Now Leyalani, is the number you contacted me from earlier yours?"

I nodded my head and held Mayana's hand tighter.

"Ok, well ladies, since this a brand new case, there is only a small amount of questions to be asked. You can leave whenever."

1,023 words ❕any predictions or something? listen to that Nicki Minaj song tho^

and this is late but r.i.p. Etika, no one ever deserves to lose a child 😔

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