these spirritttsssss

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a day was skipped and it's now sunday night


It has been an extremely long day. We were all heading to bed by now. "How are we gonna tell everyone else?" I asked Jordyn.

"I'm just gonna say something slick on Instagram and wait for them to say something." We told her parents already and her dad was acting like he didn't care and he was ashamed but her mom was happier than mines was.

"Just wait for my next IG post."

"When did you even find out?"

"I don't know, like 2 months ago." Two? 2?

"Well, damn thanks for saying something earlier tho." That's long as hell. She might as well should've had the damn baby already.

"I needed some time."


ickiijordynnn: Surprise <<33

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ickiijordynnn: Surprise <<33

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A few minutes after I posted it, we heard banging on the door, and you can tell that it was about four hands.

"Open the door."

"Y'all quit playing, bruh."

"This better be a damn prank."

"Don't be childish--just open the door."

I looked at Jordyn to see what I should do. She gave me a gesture to open the door, so I did. 

Damn near getting tackled, May, Lani, Ky and Siah barged into the room giving us both 100's of questions about the post.

"What is this Jamell?" Mayana said shoving her phone in my face. "Please tell me that this is a prank."

"It's not a prank, May." Jordyn said walking towards me. "This is the ultrasound that I got when I first found out." Everyone started jumping and crying and hugging us.

"Wait does Mami know?" 

"Yes we called her earlier to break the news and she was happy."

And... then I look over to see--this man Messiah... crying??? "Man, why are you crying?" I was CER-rying laughing. 

"Because 1) It's crazy that you having a baby, man I'm happy for you. 2) I'm not even really crying because Mayana threw salt at me downstairs and 3) I'mma be an UnCLe." He walked over to Jordyn and put his ear to her stomach and whispering to it.


"M-Messiah. Get up because the baby hasn't grown ears and you look slow." I couldn't wait to get everything prepped for this baby. I think I want a little girl, honestly. I wanna be able to get up and do her hair and go shopping and more stuff.

I know Melly wants a little boy because he wants to "have someone to get girls with and go get haircuts." He can chase all the girls he wants, but little does he know, after this baby comes, he stuck for the rest of his life.

Even though my dad wasn't excited as my mom was, I just hope that I can get some money from them to start living on my own. School won't be that hard to deal with, considering that we are both seniors already. I've been imagining parenthood since I was little--and now it's finally come true.

Even though this was an accident. Who cares? Not meeeeee. I'm having a child with my dream guy.

"Kyrie, what's that on your neck?" Leyalani said pointing to something that looked like -- a hickey?

"Me and Mayana were play fighting before we came in here and she elbowed my neck." He said it with no hesitation so we assumed that he was telling the truth.

"Well, we all have school tomorrow so we should be going to bed." Jamell said putting his arms around me and rubbing my stomach. 


We all said our goodnights and everyone else went into their rooms.

I put my phone on the charger, climbed into bed and not that long after, I felt Jamell's arms wrap around me and pull me close.


"It's crazy that my brother and best friend are gonna have their first child together." Mayana said picking out her clothes for school.

"Yeah, I know right. I know you're happy to be having a niece or nephew too." I said putting my hair into a ponytail.

"Yeah, I am. I'm tired. And I have an exam in a few days that I need to start studying for by tomorrow." She walked over and wrapped her arms around me. "Oh, good job covering up how you got that hickey." She said giggling.

"I had to. I couldn't just say 'Oh, Lani it's a hickey.'" 

"I guess your right." She said kissing my lips and turning out the lights.

We lied in the bed and just talked before we actually fell asleep. I remember waking up in the middle of the night and finding her on the other side of the bed from me. I grabbed her waist and pulled her in closer to me. I think I found the one forreal now.


But this was boring idk what else to give y'all until I give y'all the big boom. IDEAS FOR THAT ARE OPEN TOO. Love y'all even tho y'all don't love me back <<33

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