tragedy pt. 2

324 10 7

may 15


"All her blood!--"






"NO! Jocelyn, breathe babygirl please--"


"OH MY GOD!--"



"Ms. Martinez, what do you remember most about Jocelyn Flores? Did she always seem sad, or even depressed?" 

I couldn't even move or speak. I don't even know how this could've happened. 

"Where is my brother? Where is Jah??" I said, starting to sob again. "I just wanna go home!"

The baby was hurdling. My anxiety was becoming hers. She was kicking and moving around so fast.

"Ma'am-- " The detective tried to continue.

"Please, LET ME GO! I wanna go home, please!"

The detective pulled out her walkie-talkie. "Bring around car for Mayana Martinez and Jahseh Onfroy." She handed me a card and then walked out of the room.

The hot tears rolling down my face were causing my vision to blur. I wanted to answer Kyrie's calls but I don't wanna scare him.

I grabbed the card the detective left on the table and left the room. I saw Jah and ran into his arms and squoze him tightly. "Jah, I am so sorry, baby. I am so sorry this happened to her."

He was crying too. "It's not your fault babygirl. Let's just go home."


On the way home, Jah was screaming and snapping at the driver and screaming. I was scared so bad, that I didn't even move off of his arm for a while.

We couldn't sleep. Jah was breaking things around the house. "FUCK, MAN! HOW COULD I LET THIS HAPPEN?! She was someone's daughter, man! My friend too! She was only 16 years old. THIS IS ALL MY. FUCKING. FAULT." Jah said, while punching and kicking a wall.

"Jah, please, bro. It's not your fault--"

"It is my fault, Mayana. She was hurting, and I didn't even notice!"

I snatched his arm and grabbed his chin. "JAHSEH LOOK AT ME! This is not your fault, ok?! Do NOT burden yourself with this! There was nothing we could do. Jocelyn was scared. She just didn't know what to do. She's not hurting no more; she's not hurting no more.

young love // jahking x maluWhere stories live. Discover now