Chapter 3 - Kidnapped

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Ban pondered for a while on what he should do for his new and sadly miserable friend.

In fact, he was so lost in thought he didn't realize he was spotted.

"Yo! Ban!"

Said a voice from below breaking Ban from his reverie.

As Ban thought quick to escape from prying eyes, he saw it was only his old friend, Meliodas.

"Oh. Sup Captain." Ban said as nonchalant as always.

He hopped off the ledge he was on and into the rose bush labyrinth next to Meliodas.

"Hows the ball going? Bored yet?" Ban chuckled and watched Meliodas pretend to ponder something, "Nope! Someone actually kept me company up to this point, so now I'm bored."

Meliodas finally said after a moment. Ban smirked with curious eyes.

"Ohh?~ Was it a girl by any chance?" He said with a teasing tone, nudging Meliodas in the shoulder.

The two smiled and laughed with each other for a good minute before Meliodas decided to answer.

"Well actually Ban it was. Shes definitely not like other girls though, shes beyond amazing." Meliodas said with a soft lovesick sigh.

"But anyways, your not here to rob anyone are ya? Where are the other sins?"

Ban smirked again at that and put a hand on Meliodas' shoulder.

"You already know those answers. The other sins are wherever you know that. Gowther and King have been hanging with me, Diane is still off doin whatever. Merlin, well shes still in Camelot watchin over that student she talks so highly of, and Escanor is still working the Boar Hat you leant him all that time ago."

He said, "and actually a girl stopped me. Way to polite and caught me offgaurd! Then she asked me to be her friend, because she could see good in my heart." Ban said with a new fondness in his tone.

Meliodas chuckled at him, "Did you catch her name?"

Ban laughed, "Its not like that, its just rare for people to want to be friends with me. Her name was Elizabeth."

Immediately Meliodas jerked his head towards Ban which caught Ban's attention.


Meliodas got so lost in thought.

"That was the girl I was just with. Shes.. truly amazing." He finally said his voice low.

"You really like this girl don't you captain?"

With a sigh, Meliodas looked up to the sky and then back to Ban.

"More than I can say, my friend."


I sighed as the Mistress and I arrived at the mansion, I was sent immediately to my cabinet for the rest of the night. Instead of sleeping I decided to write in my diary, about my exciting day even if it ended poorly. I smiled softly to myself remembering Meliodas and all the fun I had. That's when my heart broke remembering Mistress' words, I couldn't see him again, that probably meant I wasn't allowed to peace gatherings again. I wondered if I'd ever get to see Ban again too.

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