Chapter 11 - To Her Rescue

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{Still Meliodas' POV but soon my Earthlings, There shall be Hope. Elizabeth Hope. ;)}

     Since Oslo was having difficulties finding the celestial island, we decided to go straight up to it. It was Merlins idea and with her help, she got the whole tavern to fly. We actually don't have a clue on how she knew where the island was located in the skies, but we went with it anyways. Everyone is on edge, worried, and stressed. I couldn't blame them, seeing as a dear friend is gone, and the woman I love. My anger was growing with every mile we grew closer to the place Elizabeth was being held. I stood on the balcony just watching as the clouds flew by and tried to relax and keep my temper in check just a little while longer. It felt as if I'd go insane, maybe even on a rampage, and if we were to get there and she is seriously hurt or even-- gone permanently. My heart sank at the thought of it, and my nostrils flared. Elizabeth? Gone? Why can't I get that out of my head.

"Hey man." I hear a low voice say, it was Ban. His face was blank but there was this heavy darkness that surrounded him and was even under his eyes. It was a painful sight to see my bestfriend that beat up emotionally, I only remember seeing him this way once before. "Hey Ban," I murmured to him, turning around to watch the clouds once more. "Whats up with you?" I asked him reluctantly. I didn't hear anything from him for a while, I could tell this whole thing was stressing him out the most. I wanted to leave it be, but I knew I couldn't, he's my best friend. "Eh- It's just, the way I see you reacting to Elizabeth being taken and with her being my friend-" Ban began in a mumble, this was extremely out of character for him, "it reminds me of Elaine. I've missed her for so long and I still remember that pain. I just want you to understand that I get it, I know exactly what your thinking and feeling." Neither of us spoke for a while after that and I started to remember how it was back then. When Ban admitted how lost he was without her, and I know how much it hurts him to this day. Elaine was Kings sister and Ban's lover, she was close to us and we'd always visited the fairy kings forest just to visit her. Since we'd started to travel with King. King had decided to tag along with us, instead of watching over the fountain of youth and his people. Elaine took over with no hesitation, but Ban never wanted her to be lonely.

Eventually, something really awful happened, something we'd all never forget. A rogue low class demon set fire and ravaged the forests, destroying the great tree. At the time, Ban was visiting Elaine on his own. When the demon attacked, I remember Ban not speaking to anyone for many weeks. The demon would've killed them both, if Elaine hadn't saved Ban with the fountain. Sometimes, when he talks about her, you can almost see the brilliant and painful flames of the hellfire in his eyes. King hated Ban for a long time, blamjng him for Elaines death, until I smacked the hell out of him and made him listen to Ban's apology and what he had to say. This whole event was how Ban got his sin brand, and how he became immortal.

"Ban." I say to him, "I know we can find a way to bring her back. In the mean time, I just want to be here for you. I've got your back bud." I finished with a smile as bright as I could muster. The look in his eyes lightened and he cracked a small smile. "Thanks cap'n. Don't forget, I got your back too." He said with a chuckle as he smacked my shoulder playfully.

"And we're going to get our girl back. I promise you."

"We're getting closer by the minute Ban, I can feel it."


My body felt cold laying on what I could guess was concrete, my strength had almost completely disappeared. The pain in my skin and in my muscles, was starting to dull. Everything just felt better if I didn't move, at all. I don't know how long I'd been there, though this pain still felt new, perhaps it'd been a couple hours since I'd seen Meliodas. Suddenly, there was footsteps coming down the stairs, echoing again the stone walls and making my head pound. I clenched my eyes closed, hoping maybe they'd go away or just walk on by. Please. Despite my praying, it didn't help. They stopped in front of my cell and I hear a low chuckle. "Ah, seems you've woken dearest Elizabeth? We are in pain, yes? Good, this should be easy then."

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