Chapter 14 - Your Laughter

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(Important shiz, should their be a book two of this? Comment after the chapter lol)

After yesterday with Meliodas, I decided I needed to work hard to show these people so many things, attempt to convince an entire race that another isn't as bad as they are made out to be, and prove I'm nothing like my mother. Seems easy enough right? So far I was walking around the town of Heavanis, Britannia. The very place where goddesses live, train, and brood. I feel like our race isn't as heavenly and pure as the humans make us out to be. Sure we are Divine by spirit and by magic but goddesses are so grumpy and sometimes too worked up over training or just being plain lazy. I am almost positive that is because of my mothers lack of interest in the goddess world, people are just not as happy nor do they find pleasure in being who they are. I hope I can change that, by walking around the town, checking in with people, making friends, and training with others. I will only be honest, tell people how it is, and I will not live in the Mansion of a pedestal the woman before me made. While I was walking around I was discovering that no one even knew who I was yet, and they all lived pretty normal lives. I watched as little godi were experiencing their wings for the first time and their parents revelled and cheered them on. The sweet interactions between these two women who were presenting each other with flowers while they blushed. I saw other couples enjoying a time at an outdoor shop that served food. Out of nowhere, four godi came running and surrounded me giggling and laughing, asking me to play a game of cloud square with them. I agreed with a smile and followed them to a square with a large fountain that had a statue of an older Diety. They were standing by a giant cluster of clouds close to the squares compact ground. A girl with blue and blonde hair had pulled a good amount of cloud to make a ball for us to play with. Then I asked a boy with orange hair to explain the game to me. As he was explaining he was just so excited, "So, four people start in a square and with the lines we made you can't have the cloud ball touch your area or go out of bounds. There's a leader who starts off each round. It rotates if the leader looses!" I nodded and followed along. This seems like fun, probably because I never played with other kids as a godi. I wasn't allowed to. "Okay! I think I get it now. What are your names?" The girl with the ball jumped up with it above her head, a giant smile on her face. "I'm Tamilyn! But everyone calls me Tami!" I nodded and smiled at her, "It is lovely to meet you Tami." I could almost see her eyes sparkling, it was so adorable. The boy who explained everything to me held out his hand. "I am Deenil, but I am Deen. Also, I'm the oldest!" I smiled and took his hand, as a godi he already seemed so serious. Then a boy with curly purple hair rose his hand and pushed his little glasses up his nose. "I'm Kinnel, Just Kinnel!" He said with a giggle and I smiled at him wide. "It is also really nice to meet you Kinnel." He gave me a toothy smile when the three of them moved and revealed a shy looking silver haired godi. They had these big, distracting grey eyes. "Hello there.. who are you?" I said to them kindly holding a hand out to them. They seemed hesitant but looked me in the eyes and took my hand regardless. "I-I'm Agustih. Most p-people call me U-Ugh or Aggi." They responded timidly and I only gave them the warmest smile. "Well it's nice to meet you Aggi. I love your eyes." They actually gave me a smile at that, made me think that maybe they were teased? "Aggi is our favorite friend. They are just always so quiet because other kids tease them." Kinnel said while hugging Aggi and smiling big and wide. Anyway, we continued on to play the game. I figured out I was actually horrible at the game, when the godi discovered that they only laughed at my mistakes. "Ahhh you kinda suck at this game!" I hear Tami say with endless giggles. Kinnel was giggling along with her while I just laughed too, the other two sat down and Deen patted Aggi on the back. "Well I'm hungry! Lets take a break!" Deen said with Aggi nodding frantically while Tami and Kinnel muffled their own giggles to agree. I pulled out a sandwich I'd been holding in my side bag and the godi had their own snacks. As we ate we made jokes and I think we were laughing so hard that we caught many adults attention on us. I didn't mind it too much, these godi were sweet, I wasn't afraid to be sweet right back. I spent the whole rest of the day with those godi, causing mischief, playing, and getting to know each other. When I had told them my name only two had actually heard about me. Kinnel and Deen. They were surprisingly warm and welcoming about it, then they explained it to the others. They were so kind and I was hoping the rest of the goddesses would be this kind.

"It was nice to meet you Elizabeth! We'll be at your coronation!" I hear Deen shout as I turned to leave. "And don't forget to visit us! We're always in the plaza!" I hear Aggi shout. I turned and waved with a smile.

I think I'll need to visit them more often.


I made it to the Boar Hat pretty late, I felt so tired but I needed to tell someone about my good day. I saw Diane but she seemed busy talking to King. Escanor was running the bar so I didn't want to bother him, Ban wasn't around, and neither was Gowther. I felt a twinge of disappointment until I opened my bedroom door and Meliodas stood there like he'd heard me come in from downstairs even. "El! Your back home, how was your day?" I immediately went into it. Telling him all about the sights I saw, the beautiful godi and goddesses. ".. Oh! And there was this bunch of godi who hung out with me most of they day, they were so cute and so friendly." I told him about our game and he shared a laugh with me and then I told him about the mischief we went and got ourselves into, like pranks and doing things the godi's parents told them not to. That was safe ofcourse! I told him more things they'd showed me. His eyes glinted in the lamplight as I told him the adventure I had today. "Oh Meliodas it was so much fun. One day we're gonna have to walk around together." He smiled warmly even though there was this worried glint in his eyes. "I'd love that El." He responded softly. I could tell there was somethings he wants to say so I asked, "What on your mind my love?" He looked taken aback for a moment but cracked a smile regardless. "Well a lot is M'lady, where do I start?" I giggled and held his hands in mine. "Are you about to go romantic on me?" His smile grew and he laid a kiss to my forehead. He squeezed my hands and didn't take his eyes off mine. "Who ever said I wouldn't ? You make me go all big softie, just for you." He started,

"I just, I love your laugh so much, Your laughter brings sunshine in a dark room and your smile is so damn beautiful and so contagious. Your genuinely a pure soul and I hope you stay that way. Bring laughter to those around you, being that shoulder for others to lean on. You are amazing and I just really hope that one day, those stars will realize they can never shine as bright as you. Your laughter to me is important."

My heart was throbbing and I am almost positive I was making heart eyes and the green eyed boy in front of me. I leaned in for a kiss and he gladly kissed me back. Then I found myself crying and hugging him tightly. "My love, no other person in this world could ever deserve my love like you do. I will make people see the good and what's the bad about with your race. It is so important to me now." My tears never ceased and he only held me tighter and let me cry. When I finally was calming down with small hiccups he pulled away and rubbed away some tears with his thumbs. 

"I know, I believe you more than you may think."


↙️ - What is your favorite thing about a person? Everything or a specific feature?

↖️ - What kind of music do you like to listen to?

Can y'all tell how fuggin gay I got while writing the short Meliodas monologue? Cause yeah that was a thing and I'm almost too gay for Elizabeth. Short chapterrr..  I sowwy, I just wanted these to be short before the coronation so basically these are some silly fluffy filler chapters. I really hope you enjoy regardless.

Also, Aggi is actually indeedles neither female or male. They is a cutie pie all together so pls protec and respec.

¿ Godi - Goddess children ?

❕ Also please check out my new book, It's been a slow project so please be patient with it, if you do read it. ❕


Thinking about my hero academia fanfics in my future.. hmm...

Love you my Earthlings! Please don't forget to vote and comments. Plus Ultra! And peace and lore on planet pluto! 👽🌎

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