Chapter 8 - Liones

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Liones was closer now, but something was off, something wasn't right. Rain had become a huge obstacle in our travels, when really we were expecting snow, like the days before. We could now see the top of the castle that I visited so long ago, but even that memory was so muddled and I couldn't understand why it bothered me so much. I stood outside the tavern on the front of the huge green pig that carried the tavern around. The rain didn't seem to bother me and it was actually quite pleasant. The water hit my face softly but I could tell the rain was starting to fall harder and getting worse. Making plenty of mud and puddles along the dirt road we travelled on. It was probably very slippery but hawks mom walked on, not even fazed. I was curious, something I felt so regularly now. Suddenly there was a hand on my shoulder that caused an familiar jolt in my chest, it was Meliodas. His emerald eyes never met mine and he didn't say anything for a while, he just stood there in the rain with me. I couldn't tell if it was comforting or not anymore. Something I've noticed is that the curse forces me to be the most emotionless when I'm around him. A thought crossed my mind, should I feel angry about that fact?

"Elizabeth, we're getting close now, are you ready?" He said looking up at me with a smile that caused his eyes to close and crinkles to form at the ends of them. My heart pained me harshly and I looked away. "Yes, I am. I want to feel again and to know you." I said quietly. I hated how often my chest has been doing that lately. It was the only pain I felt and it was unbearable, like my non beating heart was being torn from my chest. Thunder boomed and rumbled with an echo, shaking the muddy grounds. That's when the wrongness I felt grew and I sensed something very unusual. Lightning flashed and slammed to the ground only a few feet in front of us and hawks mom came to an immediate hault. Meliodas was in front of me immediately his hand making a reach for his sword. A man with pink hair stood where the lightening had struck in full armor, a long jagged sword in hand. "Who dares??" He spoke with a certain venom, he didn't seem like a bandit, he was probably a guard from Liones. "Anyone to try trespassing must get past me. Speak your names and announce your business."

Meliodas stayed still, quiet and resilient. Without warning he moved quickly and jumped off of hawks mom and landing elegantly in front of the guard. "We are the seven deadly sins, we mean no harm, we were summoned by Margaret of Liones. We will not fight." He said announcing himself and the others inside. I could tell they were watching temptingly, possibly sensing a strange aura from this guard. The guards eyes narrowed at Meliodas and then looked at me, he sighed and put his sword into his belt. "If my Margaret has summoned you, it probably means you aren't what everyone says you are. I'll trust her judgement, but I swear to you, if anything out of place happens-" He paused, turning and waving a hand for us to follow with the tavern,"I will surely have your head, Sin." His voice proved he wasn't lying. I was curious on why it seemed so easy for this man to trust us and what he meant by my Margaret? It was strange but in his eyes I believe I really saw trust. Something that I also don't understand. I'm hoping she can break this curse, I want to understand this stuff. Meliodas joined me again as hawks mom followed him to walls belonging to the village of Liones.

He told us to hault, "You mustnt bring that beast into the cities limits. I suggest you-" Meliodas was quick to chuckle and interrupt. "We understand and we've got it covered." Hawks mom snorted and walked over to a nearby hill and immediately dug herself into the ground. The guard watched with a blank face while Meliodas and I walked off the Taverns deck. Ban, Diane, and King finally exited the Tavern and followed us. Leaving Escanor and Gowther, they said they'd stay on guard. We followed the guard through the walls, earning suspicious looks from look outs at the gates. Yet no one said a word as we approached the castle. There standing outside were the two princess sisters, Veronica and Margaret. They seemed like they were waiting for us and had expected us at this moment. "Elizabeth, Meliodas, and others. Welcome." Veronica said with a smile, a smile that seemed so familiar and most importantly genuine. Margaret had a more serious look on her face, "Yes welcome, I would like to get to business right away. The longer the time for the curse, the harder it will be break." Her brows furrowed together in thought, "We brought forth the most hushed and best mage we could find, from Camelot. Come she's waiting." She turned swiftly and Veronica only moved to the side and bowed for us to pass.

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