Chapter 5 - Spell from Afar

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Snow had fallen a lot heavier the night before, and now it's early morning and it's glittering outside my window, among the trees in the forest. The sun isn't shining and the storms kept going. The wind flurried and made snowflakes dance within it, and currently it was gentle. It had been a short time since I first started my adventure with the sins, eleven days ago, it feels like it was so long ago. I've met only five of the sins and they wouldn't tell me about the other two because that was up to those two to introduce themselves to me and sharing intel on where they were located is against the rules, with people after them and all. Wanted posters started appearing here and there but they were way off. Plus they only got Ban, Diane, and Gowthers real names right from what I've heard while King was grumbling about how his pictures made him look old and how he found it direspectful none knew his name. My posters were around too and if I'm honest they were spot on. The Deity has grown quiet since my 'disappearance' from what I've heard.

Hiding my appearance in public has been difficult, people get way to curious for my own good. So instead I clean around the tavern, despite Dianes complaints that I do so, and going on night runs with Diane for herbs and such. The Tavern travels actually, it may be shocking at first, but Hawk's mother is a giant pig who burrows into the ground, she carries the tavern around on her back. We've gone town to town these passed days and I've seen so many beautiful places so far. In this moment, we are off to a small village to the North but needed to take a rest and stake out for the night. We find ourselves in some beautiful, extremely cold forests. I've seen some weird and curious creatures through the windows now and then, sadly because of the storm, they disappeared into their burrows for warmth. Also because of the storm, we've been stuck here for about a day already. Everyones a little tense with the storm and busy with wondering just how long it'd take.

Besides that, I've also gotten really close with the sins. Goat or Gowther is a silly, nosy, misunderstood person but he likes to joke and wear cute clothes nonetheless. He also has strange issues with memory and emotion. He told me his sin is lust, simply because he cannot feel a thing and wishes to feel from a heart of his own. And most of his crimes, he committed only for himself. Ban was an incredible cook, very goofy, and is quite the theif. He is human but he's imortal due to reasons he won't tell me right in this present moment. His sin, is also because of that incident and he doesn't like talking about it. It must cause him a lot of pain. You can only imagine, with his sin being greed. King or should I say Harlequin is a kind, stubborn, and passionate boy. He's a fairy, and in fact he is the fairy king of a forest he said was burned down by an ancient demon from wars long ago.

The forest had been gone for a long time, but that isn't the sin he bears. He bares a sin of sloth, for not acting on a massacre of humans by one fairy. Again, most of their sins are rough areas and it is reasonable to have the toughest time speaking of such things. They carry such unatonable sins, and don't even regret a thing. They just miss the things that died out in those times. Their eyes say it all. Gowther fell victim to himself, Ban lost someone whom is deeply in his heart, and King seemed to have lost a friend or perhaps many. They don't need to speak it, how much they've lost snd given because of such sins, it is obvious to me. It makes sense that pain. Diane is stubborn, bossy, and kind as the others on the other hand, does have some regrets. Her sin is envy. In spite of losing a comrade in arms while fighting for humans, she was blamed for all their deaths. It wasn't her in fact, her comrade killed them all to save Diane from their brutal attempts of betrayal. She regrets not fighting back or being able to save her comrade.

Diane is actually apart of the giant race, great warriors who fought only for honor and created famous tribal dances that shook the world itself. Shes one of the sweetest girls I've ever known. She'd told me that most giants refuse to leave homelands such as the one Diane came from, because humans treat them horribly. Well really all the sins races or even they were treated in such ways, because of humans. Diane told me that she joined up with the sins when she was being captured because their captain gained her respect. With help of the boar sin, a mage, shes able to stay small to assist and help around the Tavern. Escanor and I don't speak much since he introduced himself except at night when he was small and timid. During the day he is prideful and often disappeared to 'let off steam' as Ban would say. He was still quite the mystery to me, while the clouds had swallowed the sun he was smaller then he usually is at this time of day. Today I was sitting on a chair near the window watching the snow fall softly outside my window. It was a calm day being in the middle of nowhere.

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