Chapter 6 - The Storms Begins

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Meeting someone and getting to know someone is difficult. Sometimes ones opinions and way of life can change how the other views them. They can either be even more enthralled or simply put out. In other words, meeting people is complicated. Even when you meet someone you have already met. Those situations are variable and under the constant threat of change.

But how does one remember that the person infront of them is the same person? By heart or by physique?


share the same fate

I hear someones angry echo, as I read in front of my window sill, making my eyes shoot up to the window in shock. Ban had sent me off to bed after he had given me some sort of remedy for my headache. I didn't speak a word of what the princess had said. It just didn't make sense to me so why would it for him? Plus, I really didn't want him to worry. This voice was strange though, familiar even. Why is it I hear this familiar voice, maybe it's a warning? Suddenly I could feel my body growing tired, my eyelids began to feel surprisingly heavy. I felt extremely tired in an odd sense, it was an unusual tired. As if I was being put to sleep or no, maybe my heart was coming to a stop. I felt panic grow thick in my throat but with a small cry of my worry, soon I could see nothing.


A beautiful meadow dances and moves in the wind. Pollen and petals escape to fly into the air, catching suddenly in my hair. I sit calmly against a large willow tree that sat on the side of the river bed. Its giant roots held snug from where I sat. Book in hand I read along to myself, "And so thy lovers find that without vow is none. May vanish a heart will, but shall thine love fade neither more." A poem so beautiful and moving that even the winds seemed to have enjoyed it. Rustling the long willows branches and leaves as if it were shaking with laughter.

I giggle along with the leaves and a man next to me chuckles at me silently. His skin was pale and his long silver hair was tied to a ponytail lazily over his shoulder. He wore ancient amour of powerful arc angels, a warrior of the goddess race. I didn't know who he was and I couldn't see a detail on his face, but I knew this was familiar. I missed something I didn't even know was anything.

"Elizabeth, my child, please remember that I will always love you. Even when I disappear from this world, there are things you must figure out on your own." He spoke with a voice so gentle and kind. So familiar that I felt tears flowing from the corners of my eyes, I felt so safe. "You must find out what really happened to me." His voice made me feel a deeper sadness then I have felt in a long time, yet even this sadness felt familiar. I didn't know why. Did I know this man?

I felt his hand wrap the hand that held up the book I had so well adorned. "Stay strong. My little Ellie." Slowly, the man turned to sparkling fragments of magic and flew away from my longing eyes. I knew then there was something I must don something I must know.


My eyes blink and adjust to a white light from the corner of my eye. I lifted my sore body up so I could sit and see that I had made it into a bed. The window rattled as the wind thrashed, a horrible snow storm still raged outside. I looked around to see a sleeping Diane on a chair next to me. Under her eyes I could see large bags, she looked so tired, like she had been up days without much food or sleep. It worried me but suddenly that feeling stopped with a jolt of my heart and there was nothing. Worry? What is that? I stare at her and after a while, I poked her and she jolted awake immediately jumping to her feet in a fighting stance. When she realized it was me her eyes seemed to widen and then she was engulfing me in a hug. I didn't know what reason there was behind wrapping arms around another person, but I hugged her back with hesitate arms anyways.

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