Chapter 9 - Utter Hatred

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minutes before the attack on liones

Screaming can be heard all over the mansion, servants and maids bow their heads in fear, some even hide. Down the hall from which the screaming can be heard, The Diety stands. Her heavenly voice screamed and screamed out of pure hatred. Her normally pale face was flushed with rage, then suddenly, she was quiet. It was like she was driven insane by her ideals, her plan, ruined. Seemed almost as if it couldn't be rebuilt. Meliodas and that wench Elizabeth were able to break the spell. You could see the amount of hate she held behind just her eyes. "It's ruined. Now how are we meant to do this, it's  horrible, how are we supposed to get on with this." Her feeble and angry muttering made her friend sigh with nervousness, she knew how much she wished that Elizabeth to be in her custody again. For their plan to work, they needed her goddess spirit.

What they needed from her was a cruel sacrifice, but even to these witches and the Diety, they could care less. "They've broken it, the spell, what do we do now?!" The Diety said to her friend in her manic voice. The witch thought for a moment, "Let us unleash hellfire on liones. We can go about this a different way my dear, we'll just blame those damned demons and frame them instead. That will atleast lessen the trust that Meliodas has to those humans." The witch said calmly. The Diety had calmed down too quickly, smiling evilly and seeming excited. No one really knew that she'd lost her mind, because of the witch she called her friend.

And there was no reversing it.

When all failed the Deity was angry again, they didn't make any assuptions yet and she feared the human king may have been smarter than they thought. "Kinnary... I fear we will need to get the relic package ourselves and then get to the sky island. Seems we can't wait for her to come back to me." The Diety told the witch, and she only nodded with an evil smile.

"Yes ma'am. A carriage will be ready shortly."


The hellfire had finally been put completely out, but people were upset because many homes and shops were damaged. The king returned and summoned his council and were in the conference room for a long while. The two princesses were being escorted around by Merlin and Escanor to check on the towns people. They were very concerned about the people of Liones and the people said many things and put up good arguments. No one could disagree with anyone. As for the other sins, Diane and King went to investigate the town about the attack, Gowther was who knows where, and Ban went to take care of the Tavern and check on hawk. That left Meliodas and I to wander the Royal gardens again. Good and painful memories came up here, being with Meliodas and my old mistress' threats. We talked and walked til we'd reached the fountain we'd been to before.

"Ya know what Elizabeth?" Meliodas asks out of the blue with his beautiful emerald eyes stuck in the flowing water. I hummed in response, "I'm glad I can remember this place. It seemed like it was only yesterday, the vibrance of your face and eyes. Your soft and beautiful hair. The gorgeous dress you wore. The little dancing we had of our own out here, to the muffled music inside that they continued to play. I'll never forgive myself for forgetting such an important time, for forgetting you." I looked at him and he was looking at me. In his eyes he seemed so puzzled and depressed, and yet he did not look away. I grabbed his face and did something that was rather unusual for me. I kissed him softly and said, "Shush, nonsense. Forgive yourself but never forget, you know it happened but what matters is that we got through it. Together. The way I see it, I get to remember and relive that feeling over and over, whenever I'm with you." I told him and a smile grew on his face. I sat down on the fountain and it was quiet for a while and I got lost in my thoughts, then I heard the princess' voice through my head. Telling me that someone cursed us for a reason, to get through to me from someone I loved. Someone was trying to get to me. My mother--

"Meliodas, I just realised-" he stood in front of me protectively all of a sudden. "Meliodas? What is it?" I whispered to him but he didn't answer, he just stood there. "Meliodas?" I spoke again this time he turned to face me, his demon mark out and he looked angry. "Elizabeth." He said with his tone sounding tense. "Someone else is here. I don't know who but they are unfamili-" he was cut off by the whistle of something flying through the air and hitting him, I looked to see a light arrow had struck him. Just as sudden as it came, it disappeared. "E-Lizabeth.." He choked out. I gasped and caught him in my arms frantic, I tried to scream for help when a different kind of arrow went straight through my throat with no trace. It took my voice away from me and I could no longer speak. I tried to call out but there was nothing, no words, not a sound. I hugged Meliodas to me tight and tears streamed down my face. What is happening right now?! Then I heard cackling, the same cackling I can remember since I was a child. From the woman who tortured me and helped me develop powers that I was never allowed to use. The woman who had imprisoned me for so long, I knew it.

My mother, my mistress and her weird little witch friend that she'd always brought around lately. I could tell she was no good, but it wasn't like I could say anything. I felt scared, I didn't want to go back to her, I tried and tried to call for Meliodas. I even used my thoughts, but he couldn't hear me, and his state was unbearable to look at. "Ahh.. dearest Elizabeth. What a pleasant surprise, it seems a demon almost got you there, oh dear he could've killed you!" She spoke with such a tone that proved she was joking terribly and then laughed her heart out. The woman next to her only smiled this dark smile that makes your stomach turn and knot. I kept Meliodas close to me, tears falling down my face feeling so much anger and hatred. More than I've ever felt before. "Now now dear, he's not dead! We simply destroyed one of his hearts with a light spell that puts him out for hours." I shook my head and held him still, I wouldn't let go. Not until she'd left us alone, I could care less if I got my voice back. "Stubborn wench." She said with an laugh but her eyes were on fire. I knew she was losing her mind then, her laughter, she really couldn't believe what was right or wrong. What was funny and not. It was all because of that Witch, I knew it. I gently put Meliodas down on the fountain wall and kissed him softly on his forehead. I knew what my fate held, whether I died or not, but I wouldn't let any harm come to Meliodas. Never. I walked forward to the witch and my mother, trying to see if they'd be fooled. "Ah- thats a good girl, Ellie." As she was about to grab me, I dodged and punched the witch straight in her face. Her shout would've almost been halarious but soon she was angry, a gleam in her eyes, I knew. She aimed to slap me, which sent me crumbling to the ground. With that, I saw her aim a spell to attack Meliodas but I scrambled and covered him, taking the hit. My vision began to fade, pain slowly becoming too much and the last thing I heard was,

"Now now Ellie, It's time to go home. For good."


-💛What do you think will happen to Elizabeth?
-💛 Whats y'alls favorite Anime??

Hiya guys! My apologies for such a short chapter, I'm falling a lot short and am starting to lose the story a bit. Or a lot. But I'm determined to finish, and I will, its just gonna take a while so.. Bare with me my lovely humans. I hope you are all having a wonderful summer, if its not summer for you well I still hope your having a good time anyways. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Remember you are beautiful and sometimes we must dance in not only the joy and laughter, but the mistakes, failures, and tears. Their both equally important. Like any person on this planet.

Peace and don't forget to vote.💜

Edited : May 23rd 2020

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