Chapter 17 - With You

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Standing upon the podium stood Elizabeth Hope, about to speak to her people and tell them who she is, propose ideas and speak her truth. This time, she won't be afraid to say what she knows she should. "Hello friends, I am Elizabeth, I bring with me proposals and honesty. My friend Artemis and I have spoken about many things with no debates. I hope you all are able to trust my judgment as well as Artemis has. First, I want to gather a council, A group of guardians like Artemis, like the arc angels, like the people who stand here in this crowd. These people I ask to help discuss with me on anything and everything, to help make proper discussions, to help make things fair." Elizabeth suddenly felt a small twinge of regret and smiled sadly. This goddess had confused so many people, they were clueless as to what she could possibly say next. "My mother has created such a mess hasn't she, my deepest and sincerest apologizes my friends. I want to change her wrongs, fill this crowd with smiles not frowns and fear." Elizabeth then glanced to her friends with a smile, specifically, Meliodas.

"I want us to be friends with anyone and anything, to see things in a brand new light. I want us to rise up over these wrongs and be better." The crowds were silent, everyone was actually in a shock. Nobody knew why they were so afraid or why they hadn't understood their leaders before. Out of somewhere there is a cheer, a cheer of a blonde spikey haired boy-like creature. It was Meliodas cheering loudly for the shocked goddess, "Equality! Equality!" He said many times and then his friends joined in. Slowly, they got the whole crowd shouting and cheering. It made Elizabeth smile wide and proudly. "Thank you friends!" She shouted out to everyone with a hand in the air and a flushed face. Soon it was silent again and it was time for Elizabeth to be crowned. Artemis stood up to the podium and had a face so serious and composed, it kept everyone on edge. Elizabeth gracefully knelt down in a deep curtsey and stayed there with her head held down and a small smile kept intact.

"Elizabeth Hope, with this crown you signify a warrior, a queen, and a councilwoman. With this crown you hold these truths to be holy and strong. With this crown you serve your people not only in strife but in happiness. You serve your people by their side and ahead, to lead their way. With these claims shall you repeat this pledge and bond your life to this lands and to these people?"

"I shall."

"I, Elizabeth Hope."

"Pledge to hold my country in my arms protectively."

"And to love and cherish for those who passed the Diety lineage."

"And to pray in the name of the moon and the stars, of all that's below us."

"I, Elizabeth Hope, pledge myself to this land of Trinity."

"I do."

It was then silent as Artemis kneeled to her and picked up the box that held the crown. The one that the previous Diety never wore. "I now pledge to always protect you my dear, as a warrior, as a guardian, and as a friend." Artemis opened the box to reveal a golden crown with sapphires and Amethyst embedded in the wires and design of the crown. It was tall and had a point with an opal shining on the top.

"I now dub thee, Queen Elizabeth of Trinity!"

There were cheers, there were congratulations, and there were hugs. Friends and strangers, her godi friends came as well hugging her all around and telling her she was beautiful while bowing when their parents told them to behave. Elizabeth took notice that Aggi didn't have any parents with them, it seemed odd to her. "Aggi dear, where are your parents?" She asked calmly while kneeling down to their level. Aggi seemed a little more shy now and sad too, "I don't have any.. someone in the orphanage tells me they were taken from me when I was much younger. I don't remember it though." Elizabeth felt her heart drop, such an adorable godi without a family. Then a crazy idea popped into her head, it seemed brilliant to her, but she wasn't sure how Meliodas would react. Before the godi could leave, she asked Aggi to stay with her for a while. Of course the young one agreed, he stood by her excitedly, greeting people just as she did.

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